The club was please to host our DG Tony Sheard and wife Sylvia for his official club visit.

We had a great discussion about the clubs goals, accomplishments and how best to grow Rotary for the future. Seen here is (L-R) Sylvia Sheard, DG Tony Sheard, board member Bruce thomasson, Club President Colleen McGregor, Assistant Governor Rosemary Davis and Past President Doug Norsworthy.

We took advantage of the visit to induct our newest member Kristin Crane shown here with her sponsor Doug Norsworthy and club president Colleen McGregor as DG Sheard presented her with her rotary pin and new member toolkit.

The DG also had the honor of recognizing several Paul Harris Fellows The Paul Harris Fellowship Award is one of the highest honors Rotary can bestow upon a person. Recipients are Rotarians and community professionals, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the Rotary Foundation, exemplifying the highest ideal in Rotary in placing “SERVICE ABOVE SELF.”

Club President Colleen McGregor received her first Paul Harris Award.

Gary McRae and Brian Petrie each received a Paul Harris plus 1, meaning this is their second time to be recognized.

Ross Barnett is shown being presented with a Paul Harris + 2 for his contributions.
The presentations culminated in the awarding of the Major Donor Status Level 2 to Mike Henry and to Janet Henry. Major Donors to The Rotary Foundation are those individuals who generously contribute an outright or cumulative gift of at least $10,000 to the The Rotary Foundation. The recipients receive crystal and Major Donor pins.

The club thanks everyone for their generous support of the Rotary Foundation who in turn advances world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.