Posted on Nov 25, 2024
Santa's Rotary Elf, president Bruce Thomasson, was out delivering Christmas cheer! What a great opportunity to reflect on the joy of giving. This festive season, we ALL have a unique chance to support our local community organizations, whose tireless efforts make a significant difference in the lives of so many. Together, we can spread the holiday spirit and ensure that everyone in our community feels the warmth and love of this special season.
Supporting Community Groups for Christmas
2024-11-25 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 25, 2024
Santa's Rotary Elf, President Bruce Thomasson, was out delivering Christmas cheer to local organizations supporting Newcomers to Huron County. We extend a warm community welcome to our Newcomers as they become part of our Huron County community. The Huron Area Newcomer Fund was formed to support immigrants and refugees living in Huron County where there is a demonstrated need due to unforeseen and/or extraordinary costs which are beyond the capacity of supportive agencies or individuals to provide. Please give it you consideration during this giving season. Donate here The Huron Newcomer Support Association is a volunteer group that works to welcome and help newcomers from outside Canada who are settling in Huron County without other support. The association helps link newcomers to agencies and programs that can provide the services they need to ensure a successful transition to life in the county. Contact Halina Zaleski -
Supporting Huron Newcomers
2024-11-25 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 05, 2024
The Rotarian of the Year award is an annual award given to a Rotary club member who demonstrates a commitment to service and the Rotary mission. Rotarian Becky Deighton was presented with the Rotarian of the Year award by President Bruce Thomasson for her dedication to managing the operations and mentoring the student staff at the Rotary Cove Concessions during the summer seasons. Congratulations Becky!
Rotarian of the Year
2024-11-05 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 02, 2024
A great day for a nature hike Saturday November 2nd. Rotarians were treated to a 5 km invigorating and informative hike on the River Bend Trail outside of Goderich by Jill Crosthwaite, Coordinator, Conservation Biology, Southwestern Ontario subregion and Kristyn Richardson, Program Director, Southwestern Ontario of the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Rotary is pleased to support the Nature Conservancy of Canada as they work to protect the natural environment.
Nature Hike facilitated by Nature Conservancy of Canada
2024-11-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 15, 2024
Introducing Sarah Ball one of our rebound students who went on an adventure of a lifetime in July 2023 to south Brazil, spending a year immersed in their culture, returning just 3 months ago. Sarah lived with 2 host families during the year, made life long friendships, gained independence and personal confidence, learned a new language and culture and had the time of her life. Upon her return she is preparing to attend university next year. She had such a great time she is exploring establishing an Interact club at GDCI to expand the reach of Rotary and share the RYE experience. What is Rotary Youth Exchange? Rotary Youth Exchange is a Rotary International student exchange program for secondary school students. Since 1929, Rotary International has sent young people around the globe to experience new cultures. Currently, about 9,000 students are sponsored by Rotary Clubs every year. Who are rebounds? Rebounds are students who have spent a year abroad on the Rotary Youth Exchange program and return home for their "rebound year." This is a year of transition for them, as they: Reflect on the change they have undergone in their host country.
Rotary Youth Exchange Rebound Student
2024-10-15 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 01, 2024
Introducing Yuhi Karega, who recently joined Rotary. At our early October meeting Yuhi formally introduced himself to the club, sharing with us highlights of his life story, how he left South Africa, his journey to Canada, what he does today and his hopes for the future. He shared why he joined Rotary and his hopes to contribute to the community he now calls home.
New Member Introduces Himself
2024-10-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 01, 2024
We were pleased to welcome Matheus Cantero an Environmental engineer visiting Canada from Brazil on the Rotary New Generations Service Exchange professional development program. Matheus has been with us since spring and before going home shared with us a presentation about his country his culture and his experiences while here with us.
New Generations Service Exchange
2024-10-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 17, 2024
We were happy to have the annual visit from our District Governor, Katherine Hahn. She brought greetings from our District Team and sharing with us The Magic of Rotary, Rotary's goals and aspirations for the coming year and into the future. She stressed the importance of doing good in the world and focus on impacting positive change. During her visit three new members were introduced and properly welcomed to the club. Left photo - L-R President Bruce Thomasson, new member Sue Ricketts, Nicholas Hedges, BJ Wraith and District Governor Katherine Hahn. DG Hahn also presented four members with Paul Harris Fellowship awards thanking them for their financial contributions to the Rotary Foundation. The Paul Harris Fellowship Award is one of the highest honors Rotary can bestow upon a person. Recipients receive the award in recognition of their outstanding contributions, exemplifying the highest ideal in Rotary in placing “SERVICE ABOVE SELF.” This honour accompanies a donation of $1,000 or more, in the recipient’s name, to Rotary International’s “Annual Program Fund,” which supports Rotary’s world-wide programs. Recipients L-R Bruce Thomasson P+4, Emma Bartz, Colleen McGregor P+1, Michael Strickland P+6 Congratulations to all!
District Governor Visit
2024-09-17 04:00:00Z |
We welcomed our most recent new member Melissa Daer.
Induction of New Member
2024-08-20 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 06, 2024
District Membership Chair (R) Lorna Gunning Fratschko visited our recent meeting to formally welcome our new members. The induction ceremony of (L-R) Yuhi Karega, Emma Bartz, Karen Such, in the back Club President Bruce Thomasson, and Jonathan van Beek left smiles on everyone's faces as they join the Goderich family of Rotary.
Inductions of New Members
2024-08-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 20, 2024
Rotary volunteers were at the Circle City Cruizers Car Show on July 20th cooking up a storm in Pete's famous Hotdog wagon. Oh those delicious hot dogs and fried onions can't be beat. Many more helpers were behind the scene. A great day was had by all.
Circle City Cruizers Car Show
2024-07-20 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 09, 2024
St Anne's CSS Fine Arts Award Recipient
2024-07-09 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 02, 2024
Welcome New Rotarian
2024-07-02 04:00:00Z |
Our new executive for 2024-25 was inducted at our first meeting of the New Year. (L-R) Doug Norsworthy, Vlorat Vitija, Rosemary Davis, Michael Strickland, (long time Rotarian Tom Jasper who performed the induction ceremony) Colleen McGregor, Bruce Thomasson, Carolyn Brown, Betty Southgate, Marty Kleuskens We look forward to a fun, engaging year.
2024-25 New Executive
2024-07-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 19, 2024
As our Rotary year comes to a close we celebrated the passing of the gavel from the current President, Rosemary Davis, to the incoming president Bruce Thomasson who takes over leadership of the club starting July 1st. We celebrated the successes of the past year and look forward to the coming year with its opportunities to make our community and world a better place through service.
A New President & A New Year
2024-06-19 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 18, 2024
(L-R) Melanie Ball, Jacob Watson, Justin MacLeod, Gryffin Langis We were thrilled to have as guests at our June 18th meeting representatives from the GDCI research trip to Peru which took place during March break this year. Science teacher at GDCI Melanie Ball facilitated the research trip and Jacob, Justin, and Gryffin represented the 12 participants. Their days were split between research work and getting to know the culture and language of the area. It was expressed the trip was one of the best experiences they have had.
GDCI Research Trip to Peru
2024-06-18 04:00:00Z |
Louis Martin, our exchange student for the past year regaled us with a great presentation of his year with us as his time with us comes to an end. Louis expressed his appreciation to the club that enabled him to participate in this exchange. What a great time he has had here. He really liked going to school here and took the opportunity to participate in all the school sports during the year. He will take in the school prom before returning to France the end of the month.
Louis Martin - Rotary Exchange Student
2024-06-04 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 14, 2024
Our contribution to the Silent Auction for PolioPlus at the District Conference Betty Thomasson made and donated this beautiful quilt, for our club, to gift to RI District 6330 for the silent auction to raise funds for PolioPlus. The silent auction opens online June 21 and ends at 8:30 pm June 22. Betty is the spouse of Rotarian Bruce Thomasson. Shown with club Foundation Chair Michael Strickland,
2024 District 6330 District Conference
2024-05-14 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 30, 2024
(L-R) David Elliott, Nathanya Barnett, Kristin Crane, Alice Sikma, Aiden Hogervorst, Lynn Ferguson, Michael Strickland We were happy to have a visit from our District Rotary Foundation Chair, David Elliott, at our recent meeting. David made presentations to Paul Harris Fellowship recipients as a result of their monetary gifts to the Rotary Foundation. The gifts become service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.
Paul Harris Presentations
2024-04-30 04:00:00Z |
So pleased to welcome our newest Rotarian Heather Boa.
New Member Induction
2024-04-30 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 19, 2024
Pleased to welcome His Worship Mayor Trevor Bazinet to our recent regular meeting. Mayor Bazinet shared with members the news of the town. He provided information on the most impactful challenges for the town include the new waste management system coming to town, the major infrastructure project on the Square coming in 2025-26, and decisions on the Memorial Arena and the Airport as well as the ongoing workings of the town. A great Q&A followed his remarks.
His Worship Mayor Bazinet Visit
2024-03-19 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 06, 2024
Fantastic evening for Team Rotarians and Friends L-R Michael Strickland, Marty Kleuskens, Kristin Crane, Lynn Ferguson, Lynn Ferguson, Bruce Thomasson, Carolyn Brown, Werner Ritgen, and Stephen Tamming. $4620 raised so far for a great cause. Coldest Night of the Year fundraiser is taking place on February 24, 2024 across the area. Goderich Rotarians have entered a team at the Goderich location. We are hoping the community will support our efforts to support people and families experiencing hurt, hunger, and homelessness in our community. Join us to help others at this link. Here
Coldest Night of the Year
2024-02-06 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 02, 2024
(L-R) Rosemary Davis (President), Roger Lewington (Past Chair Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy) Max Morden ( Chair Huron Tract Land Trust Conservancy), Dave Gillians (member of the Bayfield River Valley Trail Association We started off our new year with a presentation to introduce an exciting new project at the Bayfield River Flats. The Bayfield River Valley Trail Association led a fundraising campaign, in 2017, to purchase the Bayfield River Flats site. Community support was overwhelming, with donations of more than $70,000 to buy the property. The trail association manages the property and donated it to the land trust so the property will be preserved permanently. A follow up project is now being undertaken to add a new pedestrian walkway to make it safer and easier for people to connect with nature at the Bayfield River Flats without having to drive or without having to walk across the highway. the overall cost of the project is $52000. A fundraising campaign was launched in December. Rotary is pleased to be supporting this great project with a $5000 donation.
Bayfield River Flats Walkway Project
2024-01-02 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 30, 2023
Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Grand Bend who hosted a celebration dinner Wednesday November 29th recognizing the significant milestone of 100 containers shipped to African countries, under their major Global Literacy project. Goderich Rotarians were pleased to contribute to several of the containers. Bruce Thomasson and Michael Strickland joined in the celebration on behalf of the Goderich club.
Celebrating 100 Containers shipped RC Grand Bend
2023-11-30 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 30, 2023
Oktoberfest, the perfect excuse to dress up and party.
Oktoberfest 2023
2023-10-30 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 23, 2023
The Rotary Skate Park in Bannister Park has new signage to recognize John Gordon (past Rotarian) and Jake Hiemstra (community volunteer) for their efforts in getting a permanent skate park for the youth of the Goderich community.
Skate Park Signage Update
2023-10-23 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 23, 2023
The Rotary Cove Wheelhouse building has a new steel roof. The Rotary Club was happy to be a major contributor to this update. Rotary members planted and continue to maintain the native flower garden in front of the wheelhouse and were please to see the beautiful fall colours.
the Wheelhouse - New Steel Roof
2023-10-23 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 22, 2023
Goderich Rotarians joined Maitland Trail Association volunteers on October 22 to plant 50 native Ontario shrubs in the Maitland Woods. We anticipate it will be an ongoing environmental project to increase the biodiversity of the wetland, urban forest. The project intends to control the non-native aggressive buckthorn shrub that threatens the woods. Native shrubs planted included viburnum, dogwood and black current.
Environmental Project in Maitland Woods
2023-10-22 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 18, 2023
Great presentation by our rebound exchange students (l-r) Carly deJong and Bailey Stackhouse. Carly spent the past year in France and Bailey spent her year in Brazil. We are being shown the exchange jackets with pins accumulated during their year away. An exciting year for both of them. Applications are underway for the 2024-25 Rotary year for young people ages 15-19.
Rebound Exchange Students
2023-10-18 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 02, 2023
Complements of Rotarian Ken McGee Some might ask, why would you be the one to write a story about Peter Zimmermans hot dog wagon! Well, I feel pretty qualified and am going to tell the story from my point of view. Peter started selling popcorn and hotdogs from his Model T in 1929. Some might argue saying it was 1931 but I always remember hearing that Pete, Reg. McGee Garage and Geo. Schaefer Dry Goods all started in the year 1929. Petes wagon sat every evening on the corner of Hamilton Street and the Square. Our garage was then located right behind the Royal Bank and most evenings after work as a young lad I would go up to Petes and sit in the wagon, eat Dogs and Corn and talk with him. I was so impressed with the way he handled and talked to his customers young and old. Each person had his full attention and inquiries always came from Pete in his kind and gentle way of how are things were with the family and so on ,endearing him to all his patrons. Around midnight I would help Pete clean up in the area where people might throw napkins etc: He always left his corner only after it was neat and clean. Pete drove Studebaker cars purchased from Gord. Bannister garage in town. At one time from his house he sold and installed aluminum awnings. One evening as a story goes, Pete was driving home down South Street when a new Rookie cop pulled him over for no taillight. Pete got out, looked at the light and said to the cop- got a match? The young officer obliged, Pete lit the oil lamp and drove off much to the cops amazement. Finally it was time for retirement and the wagon was set in the backyard of their home on Cameron Street, covered with a heavy tarp. The odd time the tarp was pulled off and Pete would do hot dogs for family and friends gatherings in their backyard. In 1987 The Rotary Club was raffling off a new Pontiac Grand Am and the final day draw event was to be in Courthouse Park. I thought would it not be a great idea if we had Pete and the wagon uptown for this. I asked a fellow Rotarian who had worked in the Wagon as a youngster by the name of Howard Aitken to come with me to Petes house. We sat on the back porch while I brought up this idea and surprisingly, Pete agreed as long as we picked it up and delivered it back in proper, clean condition and that we used exactly the same dogs and condiments that he used and for sure, fried onions and steamed buns. What an evening that was. Pete sat in a lawn chair close to the wagon and hundreds of people showed up. While waiting in line to be served they all chatted with Pete who was loving every moment. He had endeared himself to a whole generation of people and it sure showed that night. After that the wagon was donated the Huron County Museum who promptly put it in storage in a shed out by the airport. Another Rotarian by the name of Mac Campbell was deeply disturbed by this and got hold of Petes daughter Carol Ann (Fisher) now living in London and asked her if she would ask the Museum to grant ownership of the Wagon to the Goderich Rotary Club and for a $1.00 fee the ownership was transferred to the Club. We stored it in Mike Rogers driving shed at his farm out in Colborne where many evenings of work parties worked on the old Model T. Painting, woodworking, scrubbing got it looking good but it was not in running condition. McGee Motors had an old time Ford mechanic working for them at this time by the name of Don. Duench. Don had actually apprenticed for Rice Motors, a Ford dealership in Milverton who owned a few old Model T cars so we had a qualified person to get this old wagon running again. McGee Motors absorbed the bill for all the time and repairs but as I remember, some used car seemed to get a large bill for reconditioning costs. So now you have parts of the story you never heard before. However the old T was a deathtrap to drive. You had no vision but straight ahead, doors flapping open, pots and cans rattling around, the seat was a coke case that I found in an antique store in Harriston because that was always what Pete sat on, so we decided for safeties sake it would now be towed to all occasions. It sits stored out in the Service Club shed until the club wants to get it out for an event. The club still uses every food item that Pete did for preparing the dogs and the buttered popcorn. The amount of comments the club receives and the remembrance of Pete and especially of the smell of fried onions is mentioned by so many at every event. It has been brought out a couple of times for Christmas display and in local parades. This summer it was a smash hit at the Old car show on the Square and sold a pile of hotdogs which helps the Rotary Club do its good deeds in our community and to keep alive the great memory of Pete and his wagon.
The Story Behind Pete's Wagon
2023-10-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 15, 2023
Winners Thank you to everyone involved in the Golf Tournament. Special thanks to our Title Sponsor - Compass Minerals and to the Goderich Sunset Golf Club for hosting us. See everyone next year.
Goderich Rotary Charity Golf Tournament
2023-09-15 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 05, 2023
(L-R) Assistant District Governor Dawn Kennedy, District Governor Sonja Glass, Club President Rosemary Davis, David Glass, Sonja's husband and Rotarian We were honoured to have the District Governor's official visit to the club at our recent regular meeting. DG Sonja spoke on the changing Rotary, her goals for her Rotary year and her and David's work in Tanzania. the district Conference this year will be in Owen Sound in June 2024. (L-R) DG Sonja Glass, new Rotarian Martin Kleuskens, Club President Rosemary Davis During DG Sonja's visit our newest member Martin Kleuskens was officially welcomed in the Goderich Rotary Club. Martin is a physiotherapist and owner of Huron Physiotherapy in Goderich. We look forward to his contributions to the group and our community.
District Governor Official Visit
2023-09-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 16, 2023
We had the pleasure of hosting the District Rotary Foundation Chair, David Elliott (R) at our recent meeting. Presentations were made to four of our members who are recognized as multiple Paul Harris Fellows. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 US to The Rotary Foundation. Pictured is Rosanne Field PH + 5, Ross Barnett PH +4, Michael Strickland PH +5 and Lynn Ferguson Ph +6 Congratulations and thank you for your strong support of the Rotary Foundation.
The Rotary Foundation - Paul Harris Presentations
2023-08-16 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 22, 2023
Circle City Cruizers Car Show Pete's Wagon was invited to the 25th Anniversary show of the Circle City Cruizers Car Show. I was a fun busy time cooking up hot dogs and popcorn.
Circle City Cruizers Car Show
2023-07-22 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 12, 2023
Santiago Mireles is from Queretario, a city just outside Mexico City - He is our current Exchange Student getting a feel for Ken McGee's classic Cadillac - If you see this 6'3" tall handsome lad, with a great head of hair around town - say, Hello! & Yes, Ken McGee did let him drive the car!
Exchange Student - Santiago Mireles
2023-07-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 28, 2023
Guest speaker, Marty Kleuskens, a local physiotherapist and avid volleyball player, presented a plan to enhance the local outdoor community sand volleyball courts located on the GDCI field at the corner of Eldon St. and Bennett St. He is spearheading a campaign to raise funds to create a beach volleyball mecca suitable for kids and adults. Beach volleyball is a popular sport that brings youth and adults together to play in leagues, tournaments, or recreation. Programs for summer 2023 include morning lessons, evening competitions, tournaments, and physical education classes for GDCI. It is estimated that 3500 people will use the courts this summer. However, the current courts need to be refurbished/upgraded. These courts have poor drainage, shallow sand mixed with clay and sharp objects, and tilting poles with nets that cannot be adjusted in height for different age groups. The courts also lack backstops and balls quickly roll out of play. An enhancement of the courts would require significant improvements at an estimated budget of $50,400 for this project. Marty is presenting this proposal to community service groups and hopes to generate sponsors and donations-in-kind from local businesses. He plans to recruit local volunteers to also assist in the required labor. A land use agreement exists between Avon Maitland District School Board, Town of Goderich, and the YMCA. There will be free community access except for local residents, and a fee-for-use system for people and organizations who wish to run private lessons and/or special event tournaments and activities.
Proposed Outdoor Community Volleyball Court Improvement Plan – Marty Kleuskens
2023-06-28 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 28, 2023
(L-R) Layne McGregor, Santiago Mireles, Kate Maloney Guests at our recent meeting were this years students, Kate and Layne (Central Huron Secondary School students), and Santiago (our Rotary exchange student from Mexico) who were chosen to attended the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards conference (Rotary Seminar for Tomorrows Leaders) this past May at Western University in London, Ontario. The seminar is devoted to enhancing and expanding the leadership skills and abilities of high school students who will be the next generation of leaders in communities throughout the District! The weekend introduces the students to a range of new experiences, tools, and perspectives through icebreakers, group discussions, amazing guest speakers, and other interactive activities that engage and nurture their inner leader! All three students thanked our club for giving them the opportunity to attend this conference.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
2023-06-28 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 20, 2023
Maitland Air Cadets Take Flight ! The Maitland Air Cadet Squadron participated in a very successful one day gliding experience on June 17th. Six flights were conducted with 15 cadets flown for a total of 3.6 hours. This was the first opportunity since 2019 for the cadets to experience this activity. One of the cadets has been selected to attend the Glider Pilot Training Course this summer. Rotary was pleased to sponsor this great learning experience.
Maitland Air Cadets Flying Excursion
2023-06-20 04:00:00Z |
President Rosemary Davis welcomes our newest Rotarian, Ezra Silverton, following the induction ceremony at our regular Rotary meeting. We look forward to the contributions he will make to our group and our community. Welcome Ezra
New Member
2023-06-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 08, 2023
(L-R) Michael Strickland- club administration, Beth Rumble- Director of Cultural Services, Jim Seale- Rogramming and Community Engagement Coordinator, Rosemary Davis- Club President, and Kevin den Dunnen- Museum Assistant Rotary is excited to be one of the sponsors of the museum's revitalization of the Innovation and Industry exhibit gallery project. Members visited the Huron County Museum to present the $10,000 cheque in support of the project.
Huron County Museum Project
2023-05-08 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 02, 2023
Guest speaker at our May 2nd Rotary meeting, Kelly McIntosh, Audience Development Coordinator and Artistic Associate, brought the new season of the Blyth Festival Theatre to life with a keen and avid description of the 7 plays that will be on the stage this year. Four of the plays will be at the memorial arena and three of the plays will be from the outdoor Harvest Stage. Comedy, romance, drama the theatre has it all. The season runs from June 14th to September 9th.
Blyth Festival Theatre
2023-05-02 04:00:00Z |
We had as our guest speaker at our regular meeting March 7th., Patrick Armstrong, co-founder of the Huron & Area Search and Rescue detachment of the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary #556. We are so lucky to have, HASAR, a professional civilian volunteer ground based and marine search and rescue group of first responders in Huron County. We learned about the great work this team of volunteers does and the significant training that goes into being a member. We are pleased to support HASAR, presenting Patrick with a donation of $500.
Huron & Area Search and Rescue
2023-03-07 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 21, 2023
Invited to our regular meeting, Avery Greaves, founder and driving force behind the Goderich Free Little Pantry was presented with a cheque for $2819 representing the net proceeds of the Rotary Chili Cook-off held at Goderich Winterfest. Avery shared with us the history of the Little Pantry project, how it came into existence, the response of the community, and where it is headed as clearly the need is only increasing. We wish to thank the chili participants, and the community who provided strong support for the event. Shown presenting the cheque is the club President, Rosemary Davis.
Goderich Free Little Pantry
2023-02-21 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 04, 2023
The return of the Rotary Chili Cook-off , not held since 2020 was a spicy success. Ten teams competed for the coveted prize of bragging rights to the best darn chili. 1st prize went to Harbour Hill Retirement community, 2nd prize to AMGH Foundation, and 3rd prize to West Street Willy's. Proceeds from the event will be donated to Goderich Free Little Pantry project. Take a moment to view the photo album on this page which has a collage of teams and activity on the day.
2023 Rotary Chili Cook-off Winners
2023-02-04 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 24, 2023
The Lower Maitland River Valley Invited to our January 24 club meeting were representatives of the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Laura Vaughan, Jill Crosthwaite and Candace Affleck. The ladies introduced us to the NCC - explaining the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is the country’s unifying force for nature, working to deliver large-scale, permanent land conservation. With nature we are building a thriving world. While there are many projects underway across Canada discussed we were introduced to the Lower Maitland River Valley project. A rare refuge for endangered speciesThe Lower Maitland River Valley Natural Area is part of the Eastern Great Lakes Lowland Forests region. This forest region occurs as a narrow band stretching from the central shores of Lake Huron in Ontario, across the north shore of Lake Ontario and along the St. Lawrence River corridor, into Quebec and northern New York State. The conservation status of this entire region is critical due to habitat loss, fragmentation and pollution. HabitatThe Lower Maitland River Valley is influenced by the Great Lakes coast. As a result it has a high number of rare species and ecosystems. It features a large mature forest complex and cliffs. The Maitland River also serves as a high quality aquatic system. Watch the video at the bottom of this page and see the Maitland River as viewed from the shore. SpeciesSignificant animals in both the terrestrial and aquatic habitats include rare snakes, turtles and fish. The Lower Maitland River Valley is a rare stronghold for many species in southern Ontario. In particularly the nationally threatened queen snake can be found here. Its population in this valley is likely the most viable for this species in southern Ontario. History Both Indigenous Peoples and European settlers have a long history in the Lower Maitland River Valley Natural Area. It is an important area for protecting terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity in the Great Lakes basin. Conservation status NCC is working with conservation partners, including the Maitland River Conservation Authority and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, to ensure that this ecologically significant area is protected.
Exploring the Nature Conservancy of Canada
2023-01-24 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 10, 2023
We were pleased and honored to have as our guest speaker at the January 10 club meeting our newly elected Mayor Myles Murdock. The mayor is excited about the new term and the quality of his Council and is eager to get to work. We were given a summary of the past year in review, the outlook and challenges for the coming year and some economic growth opportunities for the community followed by a question period.
Meet Mayor Myles Murdock
2023-01-10 05:00:00Z |
2022-12-19 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 12, 2022
Rotary Club club members joined a volunteer team to install the ice rink boards at Victoria Park in record time this year. shown here the Goderich Fire Department is flooding the rinks. Cold weather is all that is needed. Let the fun begin.
Victoria Park Winter Ice Rinks
2022-12-12 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 05, 2022
We are pleased to be supporting the Huron RASP (Recreation, Arts & Sports Program) facilitated by the YMCA. The program provides opportunities for Children and youth across Huron county to participate in activities regardless of their financial circumstances. Rotarian Leah Noel is shown presenting our donation to RASP coordinator Nick Hext and Goderich-Huron YMCA GM Travis Watson
Huron RASP Donation
2022-12-05 05:00:00Z |
The table tennis (Ping Pong) tables have been winterized to protect them from the severe and harsh winters experienced at the Rotary cove thanks to Rotarian Ken McGee who contacted Dick Peever of Maitland Marina. Mr Peever did the work at his own expense for the Rotary Club. Thanks a million Dick.
Shrink Wrapping the Ping Pong Tables like a Boat
2022-11-24 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 16, 2022
The Great Book Caper
2022-11-16 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 25, 2022
The gardens clean up crew were out at the Forget-Me-Not-Garden recently cleaning out the annuals and preparing the beds for winter. Shown (L-R) Aurelio Henriques, Lynn Ferguson, Bruce Thomasson, Environment Committee Chair Colleen McGregor and Betty Southgate
2022-10-25 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 18, 2022
(L-R) president Rosemary Davis, New Member Paul Jones, DG Mike Chaffee We were privileged to have our District Governor Mike Chaffee make his official visit, the first time in three years a DG has be able to come in person. His visit provides helpful and friendly advice to club officers and members about Rotary International and the District on how we can adapt and better serve our communities. Rotary builds friendships and connects members while changing lives in our communities and around the world. While visiting DG Chaffee inducted our newest member Paul Jones.
District Governor's Visit
2022-10-18 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 13, 2022
Rotary scholarship cheque presentation to Samantha Moon and Sarah Tamming, in appreciation of an exceptional job they both did co-managing the Rotary BeachHut and Cove Wheelhouse operations this past summer. shown here wit Beachhut committee members Michael Strickland and Becky Deighton.
Scholarships for Beachhut Managers
2022-10-13 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 22, 2022
Another container of surplus school supplies and medical equipment off to Eswatini, Africa thanks to The Rotary Club of Grand Bend plus the hard work of many volunteers!! This is container 96 for Global Literacy. Bruce Thomasson of the Goderich Rotary Club delivered medical and education supplies to add to Saturdays packing. The club was pleased to contribute supplies to the container as well as a financial donation to help cover shipping costs. Showing Bruce making the presentation.
96th Global Literacy shipment by Grand Bend Rotary
2022-09-22 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 17, 2022
Rotarians on Monday Aug 15 planted the gardens in from of the Wheelhouse in 4 types of Ontario Native Plants to create habitat for insects. This adds to other gardens managed by our environmental committee headed by Colleen McGregor and a group of dedicated Rotarian volunteers. The pollinator garden located on the G2G Trail, the Jasper Memorial Gazebo and the Forget-Me-Not garden located at the top of North Harbour Road are all blooming beautifully.
Rotary Gardens
2022-08-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 02, 2022
We had a visit from Leslie Walker, a recipient of a Rotary International Global Scholarship that our club sponsored. Leslie is home for the month visiting family and friends from working on her Doctorate of Social and Economic Sciences at the University of Technology in Austria. Her research is centered on Societal Implications of Artificial Intelligence Innovation. We were thrilled to hear about the progress she is making.
R.I. Global Scholarship Recipient - Leslie Walker
2022-08-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 02, 2022
The Blyth Festival is enjoying a very successful year at the new outdoor Harvest Stage an answer to COVID that cancelled the entire 2020 season. Artistic Director Gil Garratt, brought the message of the importance of innovation in this moment but expressed change is difficult for most of us. He shared with us how the theatre responded to the need for change and how they were able to adapt and change to continue to make the theatre experience is has become today. Going forward plans are in place to have both venues operational in coming seasons.
Blyth Festival Theatre - Gil Garratt
2022-08-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 14, 2022
Actors from The Drawer Boy Rotarians and guests celebrated the club 60th anniversary on July 14th. Dinner was served by the Blyth United Church women in the open air pavilion at the Blyth Lions Park before taking in the play "The Drawer Boy" by Michael Healey at the new Harvest Stage of the Blyth Festival. Our charter member Mac Campbell was presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award for his 60 years of Service Above Self to Rotary and his dedication to our community's development.
60th Anniversary Celebration
2022-07-14 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 05, 2022
Rotary's new year began July 1st, President Aurelio Henriques handed over the gavel to incoming president Rosemary Davis at our July 5th meeting. We are looking forward to another great year.
New Rotary Year
2022-07-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 28, 2022
Congratulations Emma Donohue on your achievement, wishing you continued success on the next chapter.
St Anne's CSS - Commencement Ceremony
2022-06-28 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 25, 2022
The successful completion of the Columbus/Victoria Parks Development Project was celebrated on Saturday June 25 by a Donor appreciation day and pickleball tournament at the new Columbus Park courts. Highlight of the day can be viewed HERE The tournament came down to the four finalists Steve Beasley, Trudy Kernighan, Tracy Smith, Mark Coulthard. Winners of the Lions Centennial Cup (L-R) mark Coulthard, presented by Lions President John Grace, Tracy Smith. Rotarian Bruce Thomasson and Kinsman Earl Pennington were the leads on the project for the two service clubs. Club president Aurelio Henriques presented Earl with a Paul Harris Fellow to show our appreciation for his teamwork.
Columbus Pickleball Courts Donor Appreciation Event
2022-06-25 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 21, 2022
Rotarian Colleen McGregor and a Rotarian gardener in training along with several volunteers completed mulching the Jasper Memorial Garden at the beach recently. The gazebo was placed at the waterfront by Tom Jasper in memory of his wife Mary Ellen Jasper.
Jasper Memorial Garden
2022-06-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 21, 2022
The presentation of Paul Harris Fellow recognition is The Rotary Foundation’s way of expressing its appreciation for a substantial contribution to its humanitarian and educational programs. It is named for Rotary’s founder, a Chicago lawyer, who started our organization with three business associates in 1905. Rotarians often designate a Paul Harris Fellow as a tribute to a person whose life demonstrates a shared purpose with the objectives of The Rotary Foundation. Today we have the honor and pleasure of recognizing Larry McCabe, Deb Shewfelt and John Grace (absent) as they become Paul Harris Fellows. Shown here is Aurelio Henriques a multiple Major Donor, presenter PDG David Elliott and incoming District Rotary Foundation Chair, recipients Larry McCabe and Deb Shewfelt recognizing their many years of dedicated service to our community, Janet Henry representing herself and Rotarian Mike Henry as Multiple Major Donors and Michael Strickland a multiple Paul Harris Fellow. Absent were Doug Norsworthy a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow and Mayor John Grace a recipient recognizing his many years of service.
Paul Harris Presentations Event
2022-06-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 30, 2022
The waterfront has new outdoor ping pong tables. Thanks to the generosity of Rotarian Ken McGee and wife Sylvia there are two new ping pong tables just in front of the Wheelhouse at Rotary Cove. Paddles are available at the Wheelhouse or bring your own.
New Ping Pong Tables at Rotary Cove
2022-05-30 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 02, 2022
Diversity Equity & Inclusion
2022-05-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 05, 2022
We are pleased to support the Moments Matter…Even More campaign which will allow Huron Hospice to increase from a four to six bedroom facility at the hospice residence. This will enable the facility to care of approximately 100 residents and families per year. Overall the capital campaign is raising funds to complete the phase 2 renovations. Club president Aurelio Henrique presents a cheque to Rotarian Christopher Walker, Manager Fund Development at Huron Hospice with our first instalment of $10,000. to be followed up by another $10.000 at the beginning of the new Rotary year.
Huron Residential Hospice
2022-04-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 19, 2022
Goderich Rotary Charitable Foundation is a beneficiary of the Rand Logistics annual Marine Miracle Month program to benefit youth charities in the amount of $1754. We were named by Ontario Trap Rock who carried cargo for Rand Logistics during the month of September 2021. Shown presenting the cheque is Frank Hurkmans of Ontario Trap rock, Key Accounts Manager. Business Development -Tomlinson Group of Companies to Rotarian Bruce Thomasson. Funds will be used in the rejuvenation of an aged basketball court and other youth facilities at Columbus Park. A huge thank you to Ontario Trap Rock
Marine Miracle Month Program Recpient
2022-03-19 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 01, 2022
We were please to have as our guest speaker. Dr Michael Dawson, of the Menesetung Bridge Association. Dr Dawson is the driving force behind the refurbishment of the bridge. He shared with us the history of the bridge from construction to present day. The bridge is in need of a major face lift estimated to cost upwards of $800k in the next 10 years. Engineering assessments and permits have been completed grants are being explored and fundraising will be undertaken. The bridge is part of the G2G Rail system and cannot be lost to the community.
Menesetung Bridge Refurbishment
2022-03-01 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 27, 2022
Through our partnership with Lake Huron Coastal Centre we are excited to announce completion of the app developed to help manage the Coast Watchers program. Rotary contributed $10,000 towards the project with several members interested in becoming coast Watchers next season Shown here is Rotarian Doug Ellacott making the presentation to Erinn Lawrie, Executive director of Lake Huron Coastal Centre. Coast Watchers has been a major program designed to engage members of the community to take an active part in observing and improving the quality of our nearshore waters through individual actions since 2005 Community volunteers are trained to observe the coast, record qualitative and quantitative shoreline conditions, and take steps to initiate action , including beach clean-ups and habitat preservation. Coast Watchers volunteers were the eyes and ears of Lake Huron’s coast. With Coast Watcher volunteers collecting information methodically and consistently along the lakeshore, tracking conditions and trends long-term, and completing actions towards resiliency and sustainability in the short-term. With the development of the app volunteers will have enhanced capabilities to support their efforts.
Lake Huron Coastal Centre - Coast Watchers Program
2022-01-27 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 18, 2022
We had the pleasure of having Aiden Hogervorst, a new to our club Rotarian, introduce herself to the members. Aiden is a former Rotarian from the Mitchell club who moved to our area and joined our group. Welcome Aiden!
New Member
2022-01-18 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 18, 2022
Guest speaker at our Rotary meeting, Gerry O'Brien and his wife started a Cycling Without Age chapter in Goderich last summer at Goderich Place and will be expanding the service this summer. Cycling Without Age is a volunteer organization that makes seniors feel welcome again in the communities where they might otherwise think they have been forgotten. The simple act of taking them for a bike ride reconnects them with nature, their community and the world around them. There are currently 8 trained pilots operating the service in Goderich. Gerry explained the service; local volunteers called ‘pilots’ visit homes, care and senior centers / facilities around the community and offer rides on the Trishaw. Being out in nature and with the ‘pilots’, nurtures emotional well- being. Nature rides make passengers smile, bring back their memories, and allow them to be part of society again and thereby renew their appetite for life itself. The belief is life can and should be beautiful at any age – even at 100!
Cycling Without Age
2022-01-18 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 05, 2022
The Columbus Park pickleball courts project co-ordinators are pleased to be receiving a major donation from ABC Investments. Shown for the cheque presentation are (L-R) Nancy Boyce, Earl Pennington (Kinsmen), John Little (owner), Bruce Thomasson (Rotary), and Caroline Carter.
ABC Investments - Pickleball Courts Major Donor
2022-01-05 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 14, 2021
Pete's Wagon was such a great hit last year at Christmas we decided to again add to the Christmas spirit. Everyone can see the wagon on display at 115 St Patrick Street in Goderich from now until the New Year. Merry Christmas to all.
Christmas Display
2021-12-14 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 07, 2021
We were pleased to have our good reads guru Tom Fincher of Fincher's visit our meeting December 7 and provide his suggestions for great books that are out that can provide wonderful gifts or for personal reads this Christmas. Always entertaining and informative. We are especially appreciative for Tom's willingness to provide a selling location for our puzzle fundraisers this past year.
Good Reads
2021-12-07 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 07, 2021
We had the honor and pleasure of recognizing members who have contributed to The Rotary Foundation. The presentation of Paul Harris Fellow recognition is The Rotary Foundation’s way of expressing its appreciation for a substantial contribution to its humanitarian and educational programs. It is because of gifts such as this that The Rotary Foundation can carry out an array of programs that achieve beneficial changes in our world. Shown is our Foundation Chair (R) Mike Henry who made presentations to (L-R) Lynn Fergurson, Ross Barnett, and Alice Sikma.
Recognition for Paul Harris Fellows
2021-12-07 05:00:00Z |
The Columbus Park pickleball courts project received a major donation from West Wawanosh Mutual Insurance Company to assist with the construction of a pavilion at the courts. Shown is the Chair of the board of West Wawanosh Mutual, Lloyd McGillvray, presenting the cheque to the project coordinators (L) Earl Pennington (Kinsmen) and and (R) Bruce Thomasson (Rotary). The pavilion will make a great addition to the facility.
West Wawanosh Pickleball Pavilion Donation
2021-11-28 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 15, 2021
On November 6th a ribbon cutting ceremony took place to officially open the newly constructed community pickle ball courts. Mayor John Grace and MP Ben Lobb snipped the ribbon to mark the occasion. Special recognition was given by Mr. Lobb to the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program that provided funding instrumental to this project’s success. Mayor Grace acknowledged the broad grass root support from the community. A joint project lead by the Rotary and Kinsmen Clubs, with additional financial support from the Lions Club, this effort also attracted support from over 120 individuals and in excess of 60 businesses. The organizing committee also wishes to thank Goderich council for its support. An inaugural tournament and grand opening event will be planned for next year when circumstance better allow public gathering. We can then properly celebrate this effort and in particular properly acknowledge all the donors that made this facility possible. In the meantime you can view those donor businesses on the Goderich Rotary Club website. This state of the art facility is already in use by the many fans of the game of pickle ball. The Goderich Pickle Ball community is a very active and welcoming group. It looks to enjoy this fastest growing sport in North America for the reminder of the outdoor season and then expand even further next year.
Columbus Park Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
2021-11-15 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 25, 2021
The first performances of the Goderich Little Theatre has successfully concluded. The club is honored to be season sponsor of the 2021-22 season We are lucky to have such a quality performing arts venue in our community.
2021-22 Season Sponsor of the Goderich Little Theatre
2021-10-25 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 05, 2021
We had the honor and pleasure of recognizing members who have contributed to The Rotary Foundation. The presentation of Paul Harris Fellow recognition is The Rotary Foundation’s way of expressing its appreciation for a substantial contribution to its humanitarian and educational programs. It is because of gifts such as this that The Rotary Foundation can carry out an array of programs that achieve beneficial changes in our world. The presentations were made by Past District Governor David Elliott (centre). Recipients are (L-R) Michael Strickland, Werner Ritgen, Ann McCauley and Rosanne Field.
Paul Harris Fellow Presentations - Recipient is Donor
2021-10-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 21, 2021
Planting of the Jasper Memorial Gazebo, a gazebo commissioned by Rotarian Tom Jasper in memory of his late wife Mary Ellen, has begun at the Rotary Cove. Shown is Rotarian Lynn Ferguson working on the plantings. Project lead is Colleen McGregor.
Jasper Memorial Gazebo
2021-09-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 15, 2021
Goderich Rotarians are at the Goderich BIA Farmers Market on Saturdays with our 3rd puzzle in our Scenic Goderich Series. Rotarian Alice Sikma is displaying the puzzle. Rotarian Carolyn Brown was at the market September 18. Alice will be at the market for thanksgiving Oct 9.
Goderich BIA Farmer's Market
2021-09-15 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 10, 2021
Picture complements of Greg Presseault We enjoyed our first in-person meeting in a long time where we formally welcomed our new members from the past year. (L-R) Neil Rittenhouse, Leah Noel, Doug Ellacott, Julie Moore, and Becky Deighton. absent Olivia Schefter and Christie Marquez
New Member Inductions
2021-08-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 10, 2021
Pictures - complements Greg Pressseault Speakers at our first in-person meeting of the new year were our current remaining charter member Mac Campbell and a former charter member Jerry MacPhee who is currently a Kiwanis member of the Sarnia Club. We were pleased to be inducting 5 of our 7 new members from the previous year. Mac and Jerry shared with the club the history of the formation of the club in 1962 along with many memories of the accomplishments of the club over the early years in serving our community. So great to be spending time together.
History of Goderich Rotary Club
2021-08-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 19, 2021
Foundation Chair Mike Henry (R) presenting Ian Harper with a Paul Harris Fellow. The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. The honor was established in 1957 to show appreciation for contributions that support our Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant.
Paul Harris Fellow
2021-07-19 04:00:00Z |
The first meeting of the new year was a fantastic success with 30 of our members attending the change over meeting to celebrate the year that was and to introduce the new year and look forward to the opportunities for the coming year. To make the night special, as we were still hesitant to have in person meetings, the Public Relations committee put together fun bags that were hand delivered to each member prior to the zoom meeting. President Michael provided a powerpoint of our year's happenings and Pres-Elect Aurelio welcomed in the new year as we looked forward to a great 2021-22. Fun bags contents.
Annual Change Over Meeting
2021-07-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 06, 2021
At our change over event on July 6 the club was pleased to recognize two of our members for their dedication and work to the club. Bruce Thomasson named Rotarian of the Year 2020-21 Betty Southgate named Rotarian of the year 2019-2021
Rotarian of the Year
2021-07-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 15, 2021
June 14 ground breaking ceremony for the new pickleball courts at the Columbus Park.
Ground Breaking Ceremony for New Pickleball Courts
2021-06-15 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 18, 2021
Introducing our newest member Dr. Julie Moore. We are pleased you have chosen to become a Rotarian. Welcome
New Member
2021-05-18 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 03, 2021
Our successful second jigsaw puzzle fundraiser saw the club able to make a donation of $5700 to the Huron Residential |Hospice. We so appreciate our community for supporting our project.
Donation to Huron Hospice
2021-05-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 20, 2021
Olivia Schefter Dr Neil Rittenhouse We are pleased to introduce the newest members to the club.
New Members
2021-04-20 04:00:00Z |
Mel Farnsworth is presented with his Paul Harris +6 pin from club president Michael Strickland. Betty Southgate is presented with a Paul Harris +2 pin by Rotarian Mike Henry. The presentation of Paul Harris Fellow recognition is The Rotary Foundation's way of expressing its appreciation for a substantial contribution to its humanitarian and educational programs. It is named for our founder, Paul Harris, a Chicago lawyer who started Rotary International with three business associates in 1905.
Paul Harris Fellow Presentations
2021-04-01 04:00:00Z |
Rotarians and their partners are volunteers at the HPPH mass vaccination site at the YMCA Recreation Centre in Goderich. Shown here are some of the volunteers at the Wednesday March 17th clinic. We're all in this together.
Rotary Volunteers @ HPPH Mass Vaccination Goderich Location
2021-03-18 04:00:00Z |
The Huron County Immigration Partnership presents Humanizing our Differences, a panel series filled with real conversations that explore what a welcoming community looks like in the face of diversity, inclusion and immigration. In addition there is a FREE 3-part workshop series available for in-depth discussions on the topics of inclusion, diversity, and equity in rural communities. Understanding Cultural & Racialized Communities - March 17 from 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Explore the dynamics of culture, racism and cultural misunderstandings that shape the way we see the world. Facilitated by Leroy Hibbert. How To Be An Ally - March 26 from 9:30 am – 10:30 am OR March 31 from 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Facilitated by Andrea Moffatt, this workshop helps people understand strategies to better amplify the voices of people experiencing oppression and be an agent of change. Unconscious Bias & Micro-aggressions - April 8 from 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm This workshop defines unconscious bias and micro aggressions, the negative impacts, and how it is manifested in day to day interactions. Facilitated by Dharshi Lacey.
Immigration Partnership Anti-racism Videos
2021-03-02 05:00:00Z |
THE HEALTH OF OUR GREAT LAKES Guest speakers at our January 19th zoom meeting were Betty Durst and Ray Letheren members of the environmental group Blue Bayfield. Blue Bayfield is committed to the protection of all waters in the Great Lakes region and was named Conservationist of the Year for 2020. They provided a great overview on the condition of the Great Lakes and how pollution is destroying the quality of our most important water source. They have written a great resource - The Great lakes - a Time of Reckoning Threats and Solutions
Blue Bayfield Group
2021-01-19 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 15, 2020
GDCI Trip to South Africa Visitors at our Tuesday Zoom meeting were Emma Kerr and Jana Stewart together with their teacher Melanie Ball. They shared with us their expedition with a group of GDCI students to South Africa last March 7-22 through Operation Wellacea to study biodiversity and conservation management. An amazing trip, Rotary was pleased to help support the trip. Rotary Youth Exchange - Lauryn Steinmen Lauryn Steinman (R) who went on a Rotary Youth Exchange to Brazil last January to August is shown with one of her host families mom and little brother. Lauryn gave a presentation on her experiences. The exchange was cut short due to the pandemic but Lauryn agreed it was an experience of a life time.
Youth Programs Shared
2020-12-15 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 01, 2020
In the age of Covid 19, past Foundation Chair Mike Henry congratulates Paul Harris Fellow recipient Lynn Ferguson with an elbow bump in recognition of his achieving a Paul Harris + 4 for his donations to the Rotary Foundation. Paul Harris Fellows are given in recognition of gifts to the Rotary Foundation to support their work around.
Paul Harris Fellow Presentation
2020-12-01 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 23, 2020
Club President Michael Strickland presented a donation to the Goderich Christmas Bureau on behalf the club. With covid 19 it is a different kind of Christmas, we are pleased to put smiles on the faces of children in our community.
Supporting the Goderich Christmas Bureau
2020-11-23 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 23, 2020
Lt Derek Kerr of the Salvation Army with President Michael Strickland Pat Clifford of St Vincent de Paul with President Michael Strickland President Michael was out delivering the first installment of funds from our Jigsaw Puzzle Fundraiser to our local food banks in time for preparations of the Christmas food hampers. Working together our community supports families and seniors who are struggling with food insecurity.
Support for Our Food Banks
2020-11-23 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 20, 2020
2020 Festival of Lights celebrations this year include a Self Guided Lighting Tour and Map. A team of Rotarians assembled our display "Light up Rotary" , NO. 34, on Ken McGee's lawn at 232 Britannia Rd W. on Friday Nov 21st. The display will be lit each evening from 7-9 pm until Dec 26th.
Light Up Rotary
2020-11-20 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 17, 2020
Allison Kingston of ShelterBox Canada was featured at the Nov 17th zoom meeting sharing with the club the ongoing work of ShelterBox throughout the world. Shown here receiving an donation from the club in support of the work they do.
ShelterBox Donation
2020-11-17 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 29, 2020
Pictured is a dedication of a new bench on the square to honour the founding of the Rotary Club of Goderich in 1962. In the picture is (R-L)2020-21 Rotary President Michael Strickland, Past President Malcolm Campbell, a charter member, and Past President Ken McGee, coordinator of this event. Sitting is Muriel Murphy. Her late husband Daniel J. Murphy was a Rotary Club charter member, and with the Town’s cooperation, we were able to secure the bench position beside his law office.
Charter Members Bench Dedication
2020-10-29 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 20, 2020
We had the pleasure of having our District Foundation Chair, Martin Ward share with the club the work of The Rotary Foundation, in particular the upcoming World Polio Day held on October 24th. A day when we shine the spotlight on our top goal of eradicating polio, when global health experts and partners share our progress. DFC Martin had the pleasure of recognizing two Rotarians who support The Rotary Foundation with generous gifts that are essential to securing and growing Rotary programs through out the world Mike and Janet Henry's gift to the Bequest Society of the Foundation have enabled them to establish an Endowed Fund for Water & Sanitation as Level two contributors. Aurelio Henriques commitment to the Foundation establishes him as a Major Donor Level two. The Rotary Foundation is truly grateful for the support of individual Rotarians.
Recognizing World Polio Day
2020-10-20 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 20, 2020
The Rotary Club of Goderich participated in the 2020 Terry Fox Virtual Run/Walk/Hike today as a way to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope. Rotarian and team lead Alice Sikma walked while vacationing and took this shot on her route. Alice, Bruce, and Betty wish to thank everyone who supported the team! We were able to raise $2370 for cancer research!
Terry Fox Virtual Run
2020-09-20 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 25, 2020
Rotarian Vlorat Vitija kicks off Victoria Park Court revitalization with $500 donation while issuing a challenge to other business owners to support this great community project for young and young at heart.
Victoria Park Redevelopment
2020-08-25 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 24, 2020
Sunday August 23rd was the open house kick off for the joint project of the Goderich Kinsmen and Goderich Rotary to redevelop the tennis courts at Victoria Park with pickle ball courts, a tennis court and new surface for the winter skating rinks. Happy to be part of such a great community project.
Open House Information Night Victoria Park Project
2020-08-24 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 23, 2020
A spectacularly wonderful day shared by so many Rotarians, friends of Rotary, and patrons of Cove beach on Friday August 21st. The day was made extra special by the appearance and back-in-action of Pete's Hotdog Wagon. We had a visit from our District Governor David Elliott A special thank you to all who made this day happen and all who supported the day. Wewere able to raise $565.10 to kick off the polio+ campaign as an added bonus.
Rotary Day at Cove Beach
2020-08-23 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 20, 2020
In the time of Covid 19 the club is pleased to be partnering with Gateway as they extend the Lonely No More Program to another group of seniors in the coming months. Club President Michael Strickland is shown here presenting a cheque to Nancy Simpson Secretary of the Board of Gateway CERH. The Goderich Rotary Club is partnering with the Rotaract Club of Goderich at this year's Goderich Charity Golf Tournament on September 25 to raise funds for Gateway Lonely no More program.
Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health
2020-08-20 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 05, 2020
The Rotary Club of Goderich is participating in the 2020 Terry Fox Virtual Run on September 20th. The money raised will go to cancer research; a cause that affects us all directly or indirectly. Join our team and commit to walk / run / bike a distance of 5 km, 10 km or 15 km wherever you are! Around your neighborhood, backyard, down the street or around the block. We won't be holding a physical event. Help by sponsoring a participating Rotarian and by encouraging others to sponsor our team! Our club is matching donations (up to a team maximum of $1000). Help us reach our goal of $2000! The link below will take you to our team page.
Share with friends and family to contribute to this very worthwhile cause.
2020 Terry Fox Virtual Run
2020-08-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 04, 2020
At our first open air meeting since the beginning of the Covid 19 shutdown we were pleased to welcome and induct our newest member Chris Walker. Seen here with AG Rosemary Davis making the presentation is President Michael Strickland with Chris as he accepts his membership Rotary pin. Members welcomed Chris to the club from a socially acceptable distance. Chris is the Manager of Fundraising at Huron Hospice Residence.
New Member Induction
2020-08-04 04:00:00Z |
Covid 19 seems not to be going away any time soon. The club launched its first zoom virtual meeting on June 9th. . It was great to see everyone even from a distance. We caught up on what the club has been doing since the March lockdown followed by a social time. Our next Zoom meeting is planned for July 7th at 7:00 pm, invitations will follow closer to the date.
Club Begins Zoom Meetings
2020-06-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 01, 2020
Rotarians Alice S, Stephen M and his son Adrew, Carolyn B, Lynn F, Bruce T and Colleen M took advantage of the perfect weather Friday May 29 to plant the Rotary "Forget Me Not " Garden at the top of the hill before turning onto North Harbour Road. Colleen McGregor, committee chair appreciated the great support. The flowers looked great.
Planting the Forget Me Not Garden
2020-06-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 17, 2020
The Goderich Rotary club is honored to be part of a collaborative partnership with the Goderich Ministerial Association and the County of Huron. With the Out of the Cold program winding down supports are needed for the homeless members of our community during Covid 19. The County has been able to secure temporary housing and approached the Goderich Ministerial to assist with feeding the individuals during the pandemic. The participating churches, Lakeshore United Church, Trinity Christian Reformed Church, Bethel Pentecostal Assembly, St Peter’s Parish and the Salvation Army Goderich Citadel have volunteers to prepare a daily meal to be delivered. The club is providing funds to purchase food to support the program. Working together we are meeting the needs of people in our community.
Partnership Effort for the Homeless
2020-04-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 06, 2020
ROTARY CLUB OF GODERICH CANCELS MEETINGS DUE TO COVID -19 In consultation your Board of Directors have made the decision to suspend our regular Rotary Club Meetings. As you all know, the World is grappling with the COVID 19 pandemic and trying to mitigate the spread as much as possible. We did not make this decision lightly but the health and safety of our members and their families is our top priority. We will also be reviewing our community-based programs and making decisions as required whether to proceed or suspend them. We will continue to communicate with our Members and the community through email, social media and our website. While we are saddened that we will not be gathering as a Club, we are confident that we are making the right decision for all concerned. Please stay safe and healthy, and remember WASH YOUR HANDS!!
Covid 19
2020-04-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 20, 2020
The Rotary Club of Goderich was established March 1, 1962. Daniel Murphy, a charter member was recently presented with a Rotary Lifetime Achievement Award. The award recognizes and honours the "outstanding vision, dedication, and commitment to Service Above Self" over an extended period of time by a Rotarian in the club. Daniel has given tirelessly of himself for the past 58 years.
Lifetime Achievement Award Presentation
2020-03-20 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 10, 2020
Cheque presentation to John Clarke, Goderich United Way Manager Community Development for the Goderich Homelessness Initiative. The Rotary People of Action team at the Coldest Night of the year event February 22 raised $1700 and the club added an additional $1500 in support of the Homelessness Initiative. Some of the Rotarians who participated were Colleen McGregor, Alice Sikma and Michael Strickland.
Goderich Homelessness Initiative
2020-03-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 10, 2020
Our long term youth exchange student Helena Karczmarska was our guest speaker this week. Helena introduced us to her home country, Poland, her family and friends as well as her experiences here in Canada since her arrival last September. She can't believe how fast her time here is going. Shown here Helena is exchanging Rotary club banners of her home club with Youth Exchange officers Kristin Crane and Alice Sikma from our club.
Youth Exchange Program
2020-03-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 03, 2020
Christopher Walker, manager of Fundraising at Huron Hospice is shown receiving our Silver Sponsorship cheque for the upcoming Handbags for Huron Hospice event to be held May 21 at the Columbus Hall. With Christopher is Rotarian Parvesh Anand and club president Colleen McGregor.
Handbags for Huron Hospice
2020-03-03 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 24, 2020
Participating in the Coldest Night of the Year - Goderich event to support the United Way's Goderich Homelessness Initiative, the Rotary Team - People of Action walkers were all suited up ready to walk on February 22nd. The team raised $1700. The club adding an additional $1500. Way to go team!!!!
Coldest Night of the Year
2020-02-24 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 18, 2020
(L-R) AG Rosemary Davis, Rosanne Field, Werner Ritgen, Doug Norsworthy Rotarians Rosanne Field and Werner Ritgen were presented with Paul Harris Fellow +3 pins by AG Rosemary Davis. Individuals who have contributed a $1000 or more to the Annual Program Fund, the Polio Plus Fund or the Humanitarian Grants Program of the Rotary Foundation are recognized as Paul Harris Fellows. Multiple-time Fellows are recognized as they continue to contribute. Shown with the group is the club Foundation Chair Doug Norsworthy.
Paul Harris Fellow Presentations
2020-02-18 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 18, 2020
Our newest member Lt Derek Kerr was formally inducted into Rotary at our recent meeting by Assistant Governor Rosemary Davis. Present for the ceremony was Derek's wife Angela. Members individually welcomed Derek into the family of Rotary.
New Member Induction
2020-02-18 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 28, 2020
(L-R) Michael Strickland, President Elect;John Clarke Manager, Community Development Goderich-Huron United Way Perth-Huron Speaking at our meeting January 28th, John Clarke gave a presentation about the United Way's newest initiative focused on supporting and eliminating 'Chronic Homelessness' in our local community. A few facts he highlighted: 1) in 2018, there were 100 identified individuals in Huron County that were experiencing homelessness, 2) affected individuals are not just those we see wandering the streets with shopping bags full of all their possessions; in fact this represents a small percentage of those affected. Rather an estimated 80% of homelessness is hidden and not easily visible particularly with youth, 3) people who are homeless often also experience additional vulnerabilities such as physical disability, chronic health issues, mental health challenges, and solving the former can often dramatically improve the later issues. We were invited to support the Coldest Day of the Year event in Goderich on February 22nd.
John Clarke - Homelessness and the Coldest Night of the Year Event
2020-01-28 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 28, 2020
(L-R) Doug Norsworthy, Past President, Mo Nickels, Knox Presbyterian Church, Michael Strickland, President Elect At our January 28th meeting we were pleased to present to Mo Nickels a donation to their Welcome Syria Project. The church has sponsored refugees for many years most recently two families in 2016/2017. The church is in the process of sponsoring additional relatives of those families in order to bring the families together here in Goderich.
Knox Presbyterian Church - Welcome Project Syria
2020-01-28 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 16, 2020
Pictured (L-R) Nancy Simpson, Bruce Thomasson, Sarah Versteeg, admin lead for LNM Rotarian Bruce Thomasson is pictured delivering our donation to Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health. We are pleased to support the relaunch of the Lonely No More program for Seniors. The program provides support for isolated seniors through telephone communications. The original project saw senior involvement in the project of 257 seniors who took part in the project or experienced the activities from across the 4 targeted counties (Huron, Perth, Bruce and Grey), in addition to the 17 seniors directly involved in carrying out the project and its activities (including the project organizers and volunteers). Due to interest by the community, the program’s relaunch will extend into Lambton County. Seniors who are interested in becoming a part of the program use the telephone to register so they have all the equipment necessary to become a part of the program
Gateway Centre of Excellence - Lonely No More Project
2020-01-16 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 07, 2020
We were privileged to have as our speakers Gwen Devereaux, President and Nancy Simpson, Secretary of Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health. Founded in 2008 Gateway is Canada's only community based rural health research institute. With a commitment to engaging health care professionals in rural settings, the goal is to improve health care and health care delivery. The current focus is for Huron, Perth, Bruce and Grey Counties. In operation for 10+ years the hope is this will become the model for rural Canada that will link health research, education, practice and economic development through innovation.
Gateway Centre of Excellence
2020-01-07 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 17, 2019
We were privileged to have our local book guru Tom Fincher of Fincher's bring us a sampling of his reading picks for this Christmas season. Always a popular speaker for book lovers and gift givers alike. Childrens' books to adults, local authors, fiction, non fiction, sports, he covers a wide range of tops sure to please someone on your list.
Tom Fincher - Good Reads
2019-12-17 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 11, 2019
Mike Rogers was presented with a Rotary Lifetime Achievement Award by the club at its recent Christmas party. The award has been created to recognize and honour the "outstanding vision, dedication, and commitment to Service Above Self"over an extended period of time by a Rotarian in the club. Mike joined the Goderich Rotary Club in May 1966 and has given tirelessly of himself during that time.
Rotary Lifetime Achievement Award
2019-12-11 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 10, 2019
At our December 3rd meeting we were fortunate to have as our guest speakers Izabela Jucha and Antwayne Stewart, Virtual Mentorship Advisors from Immploy, a company that connects employers with immigrant talent to foster economic prosperity. They help local employers to attract and retain skilled immigrants who provide businesses with global advantages. Two of their many important programs are Immploy Job Match which provides employers across Southwestern Ontario coordinated access to qualified Canadian newcomer talent and Immploy Mentorship which brings together immigrant talent with volunteer mentors at regional companies to strengthen leadership, coaching and cross-cultural skills of employees who volunteer their time and knowledge as mentors to skilled Canadian newcomers. Shown here with Club President (M) Colleen McGregor it was a very informative presentation on how employers can solve their pressing hiring needs.
Immploy - Solutions for Today's Workforce
2019-12-10 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 02, 2019
Helping to give a happy holiday to children in our area the Rotary Club membership donated about $2500 worth of toys to the Goderich branch of the Huron County Christmas Bureau. Pictured accepting the toys are (L-R) coordinators Karen Kirk and Betty Thomasson, HP Children’s Aid Society Trish Harris, from Rotarians Colleen McGregor and Alice Sikma.
Tis the Season for Giving
2019-12-02 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 05, 2019
Erinn Lawrie (R), Executive director for the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation is shown here with Club President Colleen McGregor. Erinn spoke at our Rotary meeting giving insight into the issues affecting Lake Huron, high lake levels, the pressures on the shoreline, the environment, effects of pollution and climate change. The Lake Huron Centre is a non-government charitable organization whose goals are to protect and restore Lake Huron's coastal environment, and to support a healthy coastal ecosystem through education, restoration, and research projects. The club gained a better understanding of the important work carried out by the centre.
Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation
2019-11-05 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 22, 2019
We were thrilled to welcome three new members to the club. Shown left to right Assistant Governor Rosemary Davis with new members Mark Bennett, Carolyn Brown, and Vlorat Vitija together with Club President Colleen McGregor. The heart of Rotary is our members, dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship.
Club Welcomes New Members
2019-10-22 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 08, 2019
Pictured (L-R) President Colleen McGregor, Jodi Regier, Teaching & Learning Coordinator AMDSB The Rotary Club has proudly supported the ‘Read to Baby’ project for several years. Thanks to Kids First Huron Perth Early Learning Network and the Foundation for Education Perth Huron, parents of every newborn from Perth and Huron counties have been receiving a ‘Read to Baby’ Bundle – a special gift given to new parents that is designed to engage little minds, bring support and tools to the parents and to help nurture the bond between parent and child. The ‘Read to Baby’ Bundle consists of a sturdy and colorful baby book, a specially designed booklet of rhymes, songs and developmental milestones and a complete list of service and support agencies – all housed in a reusable cloth bag displaying tips for reading to baby. We were pleased to have Jodi attend our meeting to share with us the ongoing success of the project. Approximately 1300 babies are born in Huron and Perth each year. Research shows that learning begins at birth and good literacy skills, built from the beginning, provide children with the best chance to live happy and productive lives. The cost of one bundle is approximately $10 and the bundles are distributed to families at no cost to them. The ‘Read to Baby’ Bundle project is funded solely by way of community support.
Kids First Read to Baby Bundle
2019-10-08 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 01, 2019
(L-R) Rotarians Mike Henry, Mac Campbell, Rosemary Davis chat with Wendy Yamamoto- Chapman, Special Projects Coordinator for Bluewater Recycling Association Recycling and the environment are top of mind these days. Members had the opportunity to speak one on one with our recycling service provider at our regular meeting. Bluewater Recycling Assoc was founded in 1989 as a non-profit corporation owned by the municipalities they serve which include Huron, Perth, Lambton and Middleseex counties. The unique structure of the Association enables it to operate at arms length from its municipal owners providing a management environment similar to a private company focused on efficiency. The Bluewater Recycling Association believes that in essence waste does not really exist. We prefer to think of all materials as resources that we may or may not have a use for, hence leading to their value determination as a commodity. The result is that we think in terms of resource management. As markets for the materials change so too this changes what is considered recyclables and what is destined for landfills.
The Bluewater Recycling Association
2019-10-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 17, 2019
The club was please to host our DG Tony Sheard and wife Sylvia for his official club visit. We had a great discussion about the clubs goals, accomplishments and how best to grow Rotary for the future. Seen here is (L-R) Sylvia Sheard, DG Tony Sheard, board member Bruce thomasson, Club President Colleen McGregor, Assistant Governor Rosemary Davis and Past President Doug Norsworthy. We took advantage of the visit to induct our newest member Kristin Crane shown here with her sponsor Doug Norsworthy and club president Colleen McGregor as DG Sheard presented her with her rotary pin and new member toolkit. The DG also had the honor of recognizing several Paul Harris Fellows The Paul Harris Fellowship Award is one of the highest honors Rotary can bestow upon a person. Recipients are Rotarians and community professionals, in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the Rotary Foundation, exemplifying the highest ideal in Rotary in placing “SERVICE ABOVE SELF.” Club President Colleen McGregor received her first Paul Harris Award. Gary McRae and Brian Petrie each received a Paul Harris plus 1, meaning this is their second time to be recognized. Ross Barnett is shown being presented with a Paul Harris + 2 for his contributions. The presentations culminated in the awarding of the Major Donor Status Level 2 to Mike Henry and to Janet Henry. Major Donors to The Rotary Foundation are those individuals who generously contribute an outright or cumulative gift of at least $10,000 to the The Rotary Foundation. The recipients receive crystal and Major Donor pins. The club thanks everyone for their generous support of the Rotary Foundation who in turn advances world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
District Governor Visits
2019-09-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 10, 2019
Guest speaker at Tuesday's meeting Heather Boa, Public Relations Officer (R) for the Huron and Area Search & Rescue organization. Founder Adam Seltzer envisioned the idea of a volunteer long term professionally trained civilian search and rescue organization and together with Patrick Armstrong and Jamie Mitchell made that happen in 2018. To date there are 60 volunteers registered in various stages of training. The organization is overseen by a board of directors and is made up of three areas of focus, Field support, Field operations and the Marine branches. HASAR received its AdventureSmart accreditation this year and has deployed to help the Ottawa flooding as well as other activities locally. HASAR is a member of the Ontario Search and Rescue Volunteer Association (OSARVA). The club is pleased to support this valuable asset in our community, presenting Heather with a $500 donation.
Huron and Area Search & Rescue
2019-09-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 06, 2019
Arriving at Pearson International Airport August 28 is our newest exchange student, Helena Karczmarska. Her home country is Poland. She is shown with Rosanne Field, Exchange Student Coordinator and initial host family. The Long Term Exchange Program (LTEP) lasts one year, during which Helena will attend school and live with several families here in the host country. Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens while meeting new friends and forming lifelong international friendships.
Rotary Exchange Student Arrives
2019-09-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 03, 2019
Dr Dean Nisbett, Optometrist with Rotarian Michael Strickland Dr Nisbett shared with the club the highlights of his mission to Nicaragua last May. Organized through Vancouver-based Ascenta Foundation Dr Nisbett and his two vision therapists Leslie Dixon-Rose and Laurie Donnelly of Huron Optometric Centre together with a team of doctors, nurses,dentists, optometrists, pharmacists, translators, drivers, cooks and security people travelled to Riscos de Oro Nicaragua for a 4 day clinic. Ascenta works in partnership with Calibre Mining Group, completing missions every three years. Riscos de Oro is in a remote area an hour's drive from Rosita. The makeshift clinic was set up in an old school. They took just over 800 pairs of donated glasses from his clinic here in Goderich. During the campaign, the overall patient count was 2,353 of which 1028 were seen by optometry and 413 pairs of glasses were distributed. The experience was life changing to the local residents, plans are being made to return to Nicaragua in another three years.
Optometrist Dr Dean Nisbett Mission to Nicarague
2019-09-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 03, 2019
(L-R) Rosanne Field, Rotarian/Exchange Student Co-ordinator, Aurelio Henriques, Rotarian, Manuel Gutierrez. Agronomist Manuel is our NGSE professional from Chihuahua, Mexico. he is an agronomist. Arriving June 26 he has had placements in Mitchell at the VanBakel farm, TLC Landscaping in London, and currently is at Alton Farms Estate Wineries near Forest for September. Manuel will be with us until November and is interested in a 4th placement for October at an agribusiness or farm related business. He is very excited about his Canadian experience.
New Generations Service Exchange
2019-09-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 20, 2019
Invited to our August 20th Rotary meeting was President & COO of Nautical Lands Group shown here with club president Colleen McGregor. Harbour Hill Retirement Suites is a Nautical Lands Group community in Goderich that is excited to be undergoing a 75 unit expansion. Nautical Lands Group (NLG) is an award-winning designer and developer committed to creating senior housing solutions throughout Ontario, all based on resident feedback and needs. For over 23 years, NLG has provided affordable and comfortable senior housing solutions in Ontario communities, and is proud to offer rental apartments designed and built with top-notch amenities and features. NLG seeks to improve the comfort and convenience of everyday life in a community residents can call home.
Expansion to Harbour Hill Retirement Suites
2019-08-20 04:00:00Z |
(L-R) Carolyn Watson, Lynn Ferguson, David Yates Historian, author, retired teacher David Yates was guest speaker at our regular meeting. He regaled with us with a lively account of his book "Out of the Woods" chronicles and characters of Huron County. David is in the process of writing another book which is expected out in the fall. We hope to have him back at a later date to share details of his new book.
David Yates shares book "Out of the Woods"
2019-08-13 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 06, 2019
(L-R) Assistant Governor Rosemary Davis, Alice Sikma, Gary McRae We'd like to send out a big welcome to our new member Alice Sikma and a big welcome back to new member Gary McRae. Alice and Gary will undoubtedly bring lots of energy and enthusiasm to our club. We are very excited to have them as members.
Club Welcomes New Members
2019-08-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 06, 2019
The club is pleased to be hosting a New Generations Exchange student, Sam Luckman who comes from England. He attended the University of York to study psychology and will be returning to York to work. He is placed here with Betamarsh residential therapy for youth as well as Probation and Parole Services. Sam shared with us his story and exchanged club banners and will be with us until August 26th. New Generations Service Exchange is a short term, customizable program for university students and professionals up to age 30.
New Generations Service Exchange
2019-08-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 23, 2019
(L-R) Jana Stewart, Mikayla Skyring, Club President Colleen McGregor Speakers at our meeting July 23 were two GDCI students who are working hard to have a positive impact on the quality of life of our world. Mikayla Skyring was the recipient of the YMCA Celebration of Youth Perseverance Award sponsored by Rotary and shared with the club her trip to Peru last spring on a research mission with 5 other students from GDCI. A total of 40 students from all over were on the trip. Jana Stewart shared with us a similar planned trip to South Africa in March 2020 that she will be taking.
Students on a Mission
2019-07-23 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 17, 2019
Article PUBLISHED IN THE GODERICH SIGNAL STAR - JULY 14, 2019 BY KATHLEEN SMITH In collaboration with the Town of Goderich’s Environmental Committee, the Rotary Club of Goderich contributed to bringing the newest water filling station to town. New water filling stations were installed at the Wheelhouse and Tourist Booth in the spring. Goderich Rotary Club contributed with the most recent installation at the Beach Hut. In addition to the Rotary Club, Huron Water Ltd. assisted with the sourcing process for new bottle filling stations installed at the beach. Supporting the newest filling station Rotarian Ann McCauley said this is one of many initiatives to help reduce single-use plastics in the community. “I thought it was a great collaboration and it adds to public awareness for the reduction of single-use plastics,” admitted McCauley. “I thought it was a great opportunity for education and awareness that I approached the environmental committee for partnership.” The Town of Goderich has developed and instituted the Environmental Action Committee, which is engaged in putting forward progressive policies and visions for the community. Early last week Mayor John Grace officially opened the filling station at the Beach Hut alongside Rotary Club members. “We have been working with the Rotary Club of Goderich on a single-use bottled water project,” he said. Mayor Grace added that he believes the environment is at a critical stage across the world and said that with its location to Lake Huron and the shoreline, Goderich is no exception and needs to step up to make a difference. “It’s about community pride, leadership, moving our community forward and creating a culture of environmental awareness and action,” added Mayor Grace. “It’s our future.” Council has recently approved a motion and will bring two more water refill stations to Goderich within the next year. Additionally, Council has approved the purchase of two electric vehicle-charging systems, with plans to have one located at the main beach and the other behind Town Hall. Council and the Environmental Committee have stated that they are committed to developing environmental awareness, action and change to the town. In addition to the water filling stations in locations across town, there are limited, branded re-fillable water bottles available for purchase to limit the amount of plastic used at the beach and in the community. Bottles are available for purchase at spots where filling stations are located, such as at the Tourist Booth, Beach Hut, Wheelhouse, as well as at Bluewater Cleaners. Added to the list of refill stations planned for Goderich, it was recently announced that a water filling station would soon be added to Lions Harbour Park in time for the Celtic Roots Festival in August.
More Water Filling Stations in Goderich
2019-07-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 16, 2019
Introducing Camille Leiee, shown with Club President Colleen McGregor, is one of our New Generations Service Exchange young professional visiting from Brazil. Camille is a law student shadowing Quinn Ross at The Ross Firm . New Generations Service exchange is a short-term, customizable program for university students and professionals up to age 30 to gain training in their professions in another country. Camille will be with us until August 5th.
New Generations Service Exchange
2019-07-16 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 09, 2019
Invited to our meeting this week is the new Artistic Director of the Stratford Summer Music Festival, Mark Fewer pictured with Club President Colleen McGregor. Mark Fewer is an accomplished violinist and leads a multi-disciplined life in music. Violin soloist, chamber musician, orchestral leader, artistic director, conductor, arranger, teacher, jazz violinist, recording artist and occasional radio host, he has performed worldwide to great critical acclaim. The Music Festival is an annual multi-week music festival that presents 100 events featuring 350+ artists, is set in indoor and outdoor venues throughout downtown Stratford. The Festival which runs from July 15th to August 25 is full of diverse and exciting musical performances by local, provincial, national and international artists and provides the widest possible range of musical genres on its stages A calendar of this years events can be found HERE. It promises to be a very tantalizing season.
Stratford Summer Music Season
2019-07-09 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 02, 2019
(L-R) Mayor John Grace, chair of the Local Immigration Partnership Board; Trudy Kernighan; Kunle Onabanjo, Support Officer. Attending our regular meeting were representatives of Huron County Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) a community-wide, multi-sectoral partnership working to strengthen our community’s capacity to welcome immigrants and improve integration outcomes through enhanced economic, social, political and civic participation. The Local Immigration Partnership, is committed to bringing stakeholders together to build a welcoming community that attracts, employs and supports newcomers. The Huron County Local Immigration Partnership was established with the recognition that: immigration is important to the future of Huron County; but immigrants’ current settlement and integration outcomes have many challenges, and too many immigrants remain on the margins in our communities. We need immigration to ensure our population and workforce continues to grow if we are to realize economic development goals. Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools will increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. We can learn from one another, but first we must have a level of understanding about each other in order to facilitate collaboration and cooperation.
Huron County Local Immigration Partnership
2019-07-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 18, 2019
(L-R) Club President Doug Norsworthy, Warrant Officer 2nd Class Noah Reco, Warrant Officer 1st Class Emma Pentland, Captain Ryan McClinchey The culmination of the 40th Anniversary celebrations of 2018 was the trip to the Canadian Battlefields of Europe in March 2019. The group of 19 participants had a 10 day excursion and the Rotary Club was pleased to invite Warrant Officers Reco and Pentland and Captain McClinchey to share their impressions of the trip at our Rotary meeting. The Rotary Club was happy to share in supporting this adventure.
532 Maitland Air Cadet Squardon
2019-06-18 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 12, 2019
Rotary maintains one of the flower gardens in the town of Goderich. Rotarians were out last week planting the flowers.
Forget-Me-Not Rotary Garden
2019-06-12 04:00:00Z |
Pictured with our club president, Doug Norsworthy is our exchange student Suzanne Thierry from France. As Suzanne 's year draws to a close, she spoke to the club about her family and culture, and her most enjoyable experiences and impressions about living here in Canada. Susanne is very athletically inclined, passionate about basketball, and is watching the Toronto Raptors NBA finals. Leaving in July at the end of her exchange Susanne will be returning to Canada in the fall to attend Laval University in Quebec and plans on visiting her Canadian friends in Goderich as often as she can.
Rotary Youth Exchange
2019-06-11 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 04, 2019
Shelley McPhee-Haist, Communications & Engagement Specialist at One Care, was guest speaker at our regular rotary meeting this week. ONE CARE Home & Community Support Services is a community based, charitable, not-for-profit health organisation providing supportive care to families in Huron and Perth Counties and surrounding area. The agency was formed in 2011 when three long standing Huron and Perth organisations came together as ONE CARE. One Care helps older adults and people with health challenges live at home within a network of support in a caring community setting. A wide range of services are provided for a healthy life. We know seniors and people with disabilities want to be at home as long as possible, this is the agency that helps ensure that happens.
One Care - Home & Community Support Services
2019-06-04 04:00:00Z |
WOULD YOUR FAMILY LIKE TO HOST A ROTARY EXCHANGE STUDENT We are seeking host families for our incoming exchange student for the Rotary year Sept 2019 to July 2020. Your family may have young children, teenage children, or no children living at home. All that is expected is that you provide a friendly caring home that includes accommodation and meals. Our student is a girl from Poland this year.
Host families voluntarily open their homes to our students for a period of time during the students stay. The time provides an opportunity for everyone to develop lifelong friendships. Exchange students are between the ages of 15 and 18 years and must attend secondary school in Goderich. Rotary provides a well managed infrastructure to support our student, and host family and everyone else involved in the exchange. Like to know more? Contact us.
Host Families for Exchange Student
2019-06-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 21, 2019
The Club is pleased to be supporting the AMGH Foundation All In... For Your Health Campaign. The campaign goal is to raise 3.5M for capital improvements.
AMGH Foundation - All In... For Your Health Campaign
2019-05-21 04:00:00Z |
Pictured with Rotarian Aurelio Henriques, is Dave Cook, former newspaper reporter, radio broadcaster, municipal councilor for Mississauga, and author of several books, two of which "Fading History volumes 1 & 2 include the history of AVRO and the Arrow, CF100 and C102, the AVROCAR (flying saucer), and the manufacturer of the Lancaster bomber. Invited by Rotarian Mac Campbell Mr Cook shared his historical perspective of the Arrow. The Avro Canada CF-105 Arrow (the Arrow) was a supersonic interceptor jet aircraft designed and built in the 1950s by A.V. Roe Canada (Avro). ... Though the Arrow was widely praised for its power and beauty, the program was cancelled in February 1959 by the government of Prime Minister John Diefenbaker.
Dave Cook, Writer & Historian
2019-05-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 14, 2019
Live, original, Canadian, Theatre. Shown with our club President, Doug Norsworthy, is Gil Garratt the Artistic Director of the Blyth Festival Threatre. The guest speaker at our regular meeting, Gil, shared with the club brief snippets of this year's plays, some special events being planned and a new Deeper Roots Series of talks, panel discussions, presentations, receptions, and artist talkbacks over the season. Of special note is the 45 years celebrations taking place. A season not to be missed.
Blyth Festival Theatre - Gil Garratt
2019-05-14 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 07, 2019
(L-R) Doug Norsworthy, club president, Larry McCabe, CAO for Goderich, Andrea Fisher, Deputy Clerk/Administrative Assistant to CAO We were pleased to invite Mr Larry McCabe, Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Goderich, to our Rotary meeting. Mr. McCabe shared with the group information about P3 Projects. P3 Projects are “Public Private Partnerships” which are a long-term approach to procuring public infrastructure where the private sector assumes a major share of the risks in terms of financing and construction, from design and planning, to long-term maintenance. The Canadian model of Public-Private Partnerships (often called P3s) is considered one of the most successful in the world. There have been major political commitments to P3s across Canada, and among governments at the federal, provincial and municipal level. For us the Port of Goderich Expansion is an example. Mr McCabe updated the group on progress, and future plans for the habour. There was an active Q&A on many topics of interest to business and residents alike.
Larry McCabe - Chief Administrative Officer
2019-05-07 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 23, 2019
On March 14 Cyclone Idai devastated much of central Mozambique and parts of Zimbabwe and Malawi. In addition to the growing number of dead and homes destroyed, cases of Cholera have risen from 5 on March 27 to over 1000 by April 2 and over 4700 by April 11. In addition over 700,000 Hectares of crops ready to harvest have been destroyed! The Rotary Club of Grand Bend’s Global Literacy Committee is preparing a 40’ sea container for shipment to the Rotary Club of Donda, near Beira Mozambique. Rotary Clubs will distribute the goods to those in most need. Container and Shipping costs will be $10000. Container will be loaded in Cambridge in early May and will include: This container is only possible thanks to the support of our product donors above and our Partner - The Rotary Club of Stratford Charitable Foundation. Financial assistance from Rotary Clubs in Stratford, Port Elgin, Goderich, London, Sarnia, Southampton Watford and D6330 Passport Club. Would You Like to Help? Donations to this project will receive a tax receipt. Please make your cheque payable to The Foundation for Education Perth Huron and send it to box 1261 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 or donate online at Brian Hall Rotary Global Literacy Project Rotary Club of Grand Bend 519-238-6116
Rotary Clubs Organize Relief to Mozambique
2019-04-23 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 12, 2019
(L-R) Captain Laura Hickman, the Salvation Army, Doug Norsworthy club president, Erin Schooley Homelessness Programs Supervisor Huron County We were pleased to welcome our guest speakers Captain Laura Hickman and Erin Schooley to our Tuesday meeting to share with us the growing impact of homelessness in our community. No longer a challenge just for big cities. Homelessness describes the situation of an individual, family or community without stable, safe, permanent, appropriate housing, or the immediate prospect, means and ability of acquiring it. Causes are very complex, a lack of affordable and appropriate housing, the individual/household’s financial, mental, cognitive, behavioral or physical challenges, and/or racism and discrimination. Most people do not choose to be homeless, and the experience is generally negative, unpleasant, unhealthy, unsafe, stressful and distressing. Captain Laura shared with us the "Out of the Cold" program located at the Salvation Army citadel and changes that are being identified. The program has seen active usage since it opened this past Dec 1 but what is changing is what was once short term emergency guests for perhaps one or two nights is transitioning into much long stays. With limited resources, possible mental health challenges, addition etc it can be very difficult to become self sufficient. Support services will continue to be challenged.
The Growing Challenges of Homelessness
2019-03-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 12, 2019
We were privileged to have as our guest speaker at the Feb 12th Rotary meeting his Worship, Mayor John Grace seen here with club president Doug Norsworthy. Mayor Grace shared with us his vision for Goderich, the priorities we need to embrace to ensure Goderich prospers, the need to adapt and engage youth, technology, open up the downtown keep it relevant, vibrant. Goderich will be a place to go a destination that is progressive, inclusive, the envy of rural Ontario.
Visit by the Honorable John Grace - Goderich Mayor
2019-02-12 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 05, 2019
(L-R) Rotarian Ross Barnett, club president Doug Norsworthy, Impact Zambia leaders Florence & Daniel Mayapi, Rotarian Rosanne Field, ITeams team member Bonnie Borchardt We were please to have as our guests Impact Zambia leaders Florence and Daniel Mayapi who are visiting from Itezhi-tezhi, Zambia. They provided an update on the progress being made on a project in their community that has been supported by the club for several years. The project supports community development intiatives to break the cycle of poverty through education and vocational training. The life-changing vocational Training Centre in Itezhi-tezhi grew up out of a sewing club, which has provided sewing and business training to women in partnership with Rotary. The need for skills and leadership development, resulted in the construction of a multi-purpose training centre, which offers classes in leadership training as well as employable skills like sewing, agriculture, woodworking, building dams, and mechanical repair. The project is changing lives.
Impact Zambia Leaders Club Visit
2019-02-05 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 02, 2019
Rotary's 2019 Chili Cook-off experienced perfect weather, 10 great chili teams and wonderful support from the taste testing community, Food Basics and the Suncoast Mall. A huge thank you to everyone. Congratulations to the top three chili teams: 1st Place - Part ll Bistro 2nd Place - Cowbell Brewery 3rd Place - 101.7 The One For pictures of the day please visit the photo album on this page. The Rotary International project partner ShelterBox Canada had a ShelterBox and ShelterKit on display. The sturdy green ShelterBoxes contain family-sized tents specially designed to withstand the elements and provide people with temporary shelter until they are able to start the process of rebuilding a home. The ShelterKits contain all of the essential tools people need to start repairing and rebuilding homes straight away. The representative is with Rotarian Mac Campbell. The club has provided an donation to support the work of ShelterBox Canada.
Chili Cook-off 2019
2019-02-02 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 08, 2019
Invited to our inaugural meeting of the new year our guest speaker was Kimberley Payne, who has been Executive Director of the South Huron Hospital Foundation since 2013. Pictured here with our Club President Doug Norsworthy, Kim has had a long and distinguished career with community minded organizations such as the Stratford Chefs School, Tilbury Information and Help Centre, Huron United Way, Habitat for Humanity, and Maple Tree Housing among numerous others. Kim is passionate about community involvement , making communities better, making a better world by turning passion into action. She shared with us the ideals of service and how to apply it to every day life. Kim's current community engagement includes Goderich Celtic Folk Society, as a Board Member; the Chair of Sponsorship Huron Waves Music Festival – formerly Bach Music Festival of Canada Huron County Board Member; Co-chair Huron Harp Fest; Goderich Fermented Femmes – Principal Huron County, and 100 Women Who Care – Huron County.
My Community & Why I Choose to Invest In It
2019-01-08 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 14, 2018
(L-R) Colleen McGregor, President-elect and Pat Clifford, President St. Vincent de Paul, Goderich Colleen McGregor, President-elect and Captain Laura Hickman of The Salvation Army , Goderich President Elect Colleen McGregor delivered donations to the local Food Bank/Christmas Hamper Programs from the Rotary Club of Goderich. We know families feel added pressure at this time of year to provide a special Christmas. By providing funding we're hoping to lighten the load helping them to enjoy the holiday season.
Giving, the true spirit of Christmas
2018-12-14 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 11, 2018
With Christmas not far away we were fortunate to have as our guest, Tom Fincher of Fincher's, a master of great reads, who brought suggestions for books for all ages to give or just enjoy. Tom has an uncanny knack for knowing what readers want from a broad range of genres. Pictured with Tom is our club president Doug Norsworthy.
Tom Fincher of Fincher's - Great Reads
2018-12-11 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 30, 2018
Christmas is coming and with it the season of giving and sharing. Pictured are Trish Harris, Huron Perth CAS, and Karen Kirk, Manager of the Goderich Bureau accepting toys donated by the Rotary Club from Club President Doug Norsworthy.
Donation to the Goderich Christmas Bureau
2018-11-30 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 29, 2018
The Swinging for Kids Charity Golf Tournament hosted by the Rotary Club of Goderich and Goderich-Huron YMCA last August 17, 2018 was a great success. Rotarian Gary Gravett presents Anne Marie Thomson, General Manager and Brittany Kueneman, Community Engagement Coordinator at the Goderich YMCA with a cheque for $2843.87
Cheque Presentation for the Rotary-YMCA Golf Tournament
2018-11-29 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 13, 2018
(L-R) John Grace (Chair GCC), Colleen McGregor (Club President Elect, John Clarke (Manager , Resource Developement and Community Impact) The United Way Perth-Huron 2018 campaign is well underway running until March 2019. We were pleased to have at our meeting today the Chair of the Goderich Community Committee, John Grace and the newly hired Manager of Resource Development and Community Impact of the GCC, John Clarke, who shared with us the mandate of the committee; to identify social issues directly impacting the Goderich area . The goal through community consultation over the next year is to develop and put in place a strategy to deal with our most pressing needs. It was stressed the monies raised by our community stay in the immediate area. The fund raising goal for Goderich is $67000 of a UWPH goal of $1.44M.
The United Way Perth-Huron - Understanding Goderich
2018-11-13 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 06, 2018
A proud supporter of the Goderich Recreation Revitalization Project, the Club made its second installment towards its total commitment on the project. In addition the club will be providing additional support when the tree planting phase is reached. Monies raised at our Oktoberfest dance on October 20 have been ear marked towards that project. Thank you to all those who supported the dance.
Goderich Recreation Park
2018-11-06 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 02, 2018
(L-R) Mike Henry (Club Foundation Chair) Doug Burnard (District Foundation Chair) Doug Norsworthy (recipient and club president) Norman Pickell (recipient) |At our regular meeting we were pleased to have as our guest District Foundation Chair Doug Burnard who presided over our donor recognition event. Doug Norsworthy and Norman Pickell became Bequest Society members by pledging to give $10,000 or more via their estate plans. Bequest Society members are recognized with an engraved crystal recognition piece and a Bequest Society pin. (L-R) Mike Henry, Club Foundation Chair, Rosemary Davis (recipient), Doug Burnard (District foundation Chair) Rosemary Davis was recognized as a Multiple Paul Harris Felllow (P+1) for her donations to the annual fund, polio plus, or an approved Foundation grant. Absent but also recognized as a Paul Harris Fellow was Ian Harper. Paul Harris Fellows are recognized with a Paul Harris pin.
Rotary Foundation Donor Recognition
2018-10-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 18, 2018
Doug Norsworthy (club president) presents Marianne Hogan a representative of the St Joseph's Kingsbridge Centre fundraising committee with a cheque from the Goderich Rotary Club to help with sponsoring the upcoming event "a John McDermott Family Christmas" being held at the Community Centre November 24, 2018.
St Joseph's Kingsbridge Community Centre Event
2018-09-18 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 11, 2018
We were privileged to have our district governor Jim Schlatman and his wife Audrey visit our Rotary meeting. DG Jim outlined the year's goals and vision. He brought greetings from RI President Barry Rassinn whose theme this year is "Be the Inspiration". Membership, public relations and RI Foundation giving are our main priorities over the coming year. Rotarians as the people of action we are: leaders who work together in communities to inspire, transform, connect, and celebrate what's possible. Rotarian Jeff Wilson was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow +2 for his donations to the Rotary Foundation. Bob Nephew, one of our 2 remaining active charter members (chartered 1962) was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow +4 by the club as we thanked him for his many years of service to the club and our community. Bob is moving to Calgary to be closer to family. Best wishes were extended for this new chapter in his life. On behalf of the club president Doug Norsworthy announced the club would be making a donation to Polio Plus in District Governor Jim's name to immunize 500 children against polio as part of Rotary's on going effort to eradicate polio in the world. DG Jim wished the club continued success.
District Governor Jim Schlatman Official Visit
2018-09-11 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Aug 14, 2018
(L-R) Lori Rounds (Deputy Returning Officer), Doug Norsworthy (Club President), Janice Hallahan (Clerk, Returning Officer), Andrea Fisher (Deputy clerk, Administrative Assistant to CAO) Invited to our regular meeting were representatives from the Town of Goderich who spoke to us about the voting process for the upcoming Municipal Election in October. The new process has been adopted by all municipalities in Huron County this year with the goal of making it convenient and accessible to all eligible voters. Electors will be voting by Internet and Telephone only. There will not be any polling locations and there will not be any paper ballots for the 2018 Municipal Election. Internet and Telephone Voting will be available from October 11th at 9:00 a.m. to October 22nd at 8:00 p.m. Full details are available on the town website.
2018 Municipal Election Voter Information Presentation
2018-08-14 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 24, 2018
Her Placement Her Drawings Karin is our newest NGSE participant who recently arrived from Bangkok, Thailand. She is a second year student majoring in Movie Design of Media Arts at King Mongkut's University of Technology, Thonburi Thailand. Karin has been interested in the arts since she was a child and enjoys painting, drawing, making costumes and design. Karin hopes to build her work skills as well as to have the opportunity to improve her English language skills. Fauxpop is her placement here in Goderich. She is looking forward to her time in Canada building her skills and learning more about her profession. During her time here Rotarians Ross & Rosanne will take her to Niagara with two other NGSE professional from Taiwan. In her free time she looks forward to beach time, sail boating, fishing and hiking and other "Canadian" activities to enhance her experience.
Karin Chongsarit - New Generations Service Exchange Participant
2018-07-24 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 10, 2018
(L-R) Doug Norsworthy, President, Imran Khalid - Huron County Engineering Project Manager Roads, Chris Watson - Huron County Economic Development Officer Chirs Watson, EDO for Huron County, spoke at our meeting about Huron County's Workforce Attraction and Retention Strategy through to 2020. The strategy looks to fill labour gaps along Ontario's West Coast. With an unemployment rate in Huron County of 2.9% employers are having difficulties filling their job requirements. We want to be as open and welcoming as possible to attract and keep our workforce so we can continue to grow and prosper. Our world is truly global we want to build a community that attracts business and people and makes them want to stay. Imran Khalid, the Huron County project manager for Roads came to Goderich from the Toronto area and is an avid cricket player. With his guidance the Goderich Cricket club was formed in 2017 and currently has 18 members. The club is hoping the construct a cricket pitch at the Goderich YMCA, expand its membership, and hopes to hold cricket matches in the area. We have the opportunity of bringing a new sport to the area that many can enjoy.
Chris Watson - Huron County Economic Development Officer
2018-07-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 06, 2018
Picture provided by Kathleen Smith - Multi Media Journalist - Goderich Signal Star (L-R) Nina R, Cara S, Colleen M, Shelley M, Adam S(in back), Jenna U, Mike H, John L, and Mike M The Rotary Club of Goderich is pleased to support The Livery Theatre (Goderich Little Theatre), recently donating $10,000 to go towards a new sound system. Purchased were 6 speakers cabling and a new digital mixing board. Rotarians Colleen McGregor and Mike Henry together with representatives from the Livery were on hand for the presentation.
New Sound Equipment for the Goderich Little Theatre
2018-07-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 03, 2018
It is the end of an awesome year at the Rotary Club of Goderich. As the 2018-19 Rotary year begins, Werner passes the gavel to Doug Norsworthy. Doug, in the Rotarian "Service Above Self" way, volunteered to take the position of club president when unfortunate circumstances left the club with no incoming president. The club is looking forward to his leadership and another great year. Doug introduced his 2018-19 executive. (L-R) President Doug, Treasurer - Betty Southgate, Service Projects Chair - Bruce Thomasson, Secretary - Rosemary Davis, Membership Chair - Tom Jasper, Past President - Werner Ritgen, Rotary Foundation Chair - Mike Henry, and Club administration Chair - Aurelio Henriques. Absent: President Elect- Colleen McGregor and Public Image Chair - Roland Archer.
Installation of 2018-19 Executive
2018-07-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 26, 2018
(L-R) Jeff Wilson club member, Mike Henry (Foundation Chair), Scott Tousaw, Werner Ritgen (Club President) At our regular meeting today we wished fellow Rotarian good wishes as he makes his move to his new home in Stratford. Scott has been a member of the club for over 24 years. Mike Henry our club Foundation chair was on hand to present Scott with a Paul Harris + 4 pin in honor of his substantial contributions to the Rotary Foundation over many years. We will miss Scott and his dedication to "Service Above Self" in the club and our community.
Paul Harris Fellow Presentation
2018-06-26 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 19, 2018
(L-R) Colleen McGregor, Art McNaughton (Huron County Paramedic Service), Anne Marie Thomson (Goderich YMCA), Lynn Ferguson Colleen McGregor and Lynn Ferguson, of our Rotary Club were pleased to be on hand to present our donation of an AED to the Goderich YMCA as part of Huron County's PAD replacement program.
AED Donation
2018-06-19 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 12, 2018
(L-R) Doug Burnard (District Foundation Chair), Doug Norsworthy, Sylvia McGee, Ken McGee, Martin Ward (District Governor) Attending our meeting this week were DG Martin Ward and DFC Doug Burnard as we recognized and honored Ken and Sylvia McGee who have generously contributed to The Rotary Foundation, achieving Major Donors status. Ken and Sylvia are among a select group of humanitarians who have committed themselves to serving others. DG Martin presented them with crystal and Major Donor pins on behalf of The Foundation's Trustees. Our second honoree Doug Norsworthy was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow +2 pin in recognition of his multiple contributions to The Rotary Foundation. Rotary is thankful for the support these dedicated Rotarians.
Awards Presentation
2018-06-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 05, 2018
(L-R) John A Miller - Founder & Artistic Producer, Werner Ritgen (club President) For the past 34 years John Miller has devoted his considerable energies to matters cultural by developing a specialization in Canadian arts and artists and, in particular, a keen knowledge of music by and about Canadians. After being encouraged by a 1993 invitation from the Stratford’s mayor to bring back summertime music, John’s dream came to reality with the first season of the new Stratford Summer Music in 2001. In its 2011 survey of North American summer music festivals, the respected British music journal, Gramophone, named Stratford Summer Music one of the top festivals on the continent and the only Canadian festival to make the distinguished designation of being in its top twelve summer music sites. On Canada Day, 2014 the City of Stratford awarded John its ultimate honour – the naming and placing of his star at the heart of the city – where his name joins other prominent arts figures such as Glenn Gould, Loreena McKennitt and Christopher Plummer in this public recognition program. This is Mr Miller's final year as Artistic Producer at Stratford Summer Music. The Festival runs from July 16 to August 26 with 122 performances in and around Stratford. Pictured with John is the Museum of the Moon which arrives on Tom Patterson Island for the last 10 days of the Festival for a variety of concerts and events. We wish John the very best as he embraces the next chapter of his distinguished life.
John A Miller - Artistic Producer - Stratford Summer Music
2018-06-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 29, 2018
Mark Crawford, actor and playwright We were pleased to have as our guest speaker renowned actor and playwright Mark Crawford who gave us an outline of the playbill for the 2018 Blyth Festival Theatre season. Crawford is well known for his smash hits The Birds and the Bees and Stag and Doe and will be bringing his newest comedy to the Blyth stage The New Canadian Curling Club June 20th through August 23rd. The comedy is about a small town in rural Southwestern Ontario with an ice rink, a refugee resettlement program, and a “Learn to Curl” class. What follows is a hilarious and inspiring story of an unlikely group of would-be athletes who face off against local prejudice to become a true team, and end up competing in the most prestigious local bonspiel tournament: the highly coveted Royal Highlander trophy. It promises to be truly hilarious.
Blyth Festival Theatre representative Guest Speaker
2018-05-29 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 30, 2018
The YMCA Celebration of Youth Awards 2018 were presented April 28, 2018. Elizabeth and Justin were the recipients of the awards sponsored by the Rotary Club. We are truly pleased and honored to be a part of the YMCA commitment to our youth.The Rotary Club has partnered with the YMCA since the program was established eight years ago. The awards honor youth whose outstanding talents and achievements have made a difference in our community and have contributed to the well-being and future of our society. The YMCA and community partners are extremely proud of the opportunity to recognize 9 remarkable individuals in our community. Each recipient receives a $1000 scholarship. Other award recipients included: Kyle Prouse - Personal Achievement Award sponsored by Barb Major-McEwan Joleen Otten - Personal Achievement Award sponsored by Huron Women's Shelter Second Stage Housing and Counselling Services Sarah Mitchell - Personal Achievement Award sponsored by Huron Women's Shelter Second Stage Housing and Counselling Services Haley Bowman - Philanthropy Award sponsored by K2 Wind Myles Krahn - YMCA Youth Leadership Award sponsored by the YMCAs across Southwestern Ontario Liam Shore - Technology & Trades Award sponsored by Akromold Ltd Kaleigh Allinson - Health & Wellness Award sponsored by AMGH Medical Staff
YMCA 2018 Celebration of Youth Awards
2018-04-30 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 03, 2018
Living and Working in Qatar - a Land of Extremes (L-R) Roman Turczyn, Doug Norsworthy, Club President Elect Guest speaker at our regular meeting was Roman Turczyn a local retired architect who for 40 years played a leading role in the completion of a significant number of projects in Ontario and the Middle East. Roman and his wife Libby spent eleven years in the peninsula Arab country of Qatar. Libby, a silversmith by profession taught the Metal Arts program at the Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar. Roman was the Director of the Centre for Research, Design and Entrepreneurship at the Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar during the last six years of his professional career. His efforts focused on developing design solutions for issues addressing the needs of a growing nation. He shared a fascinating insight into what it was like to live, work and play in Qatar. Today, retired, Roman devotes as much time as he can to his life-long fascination with art and design, which he considers amongst the most important foundations of our civilization.
Roman Turczyn - Architect (Retired)
2018-04-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Mar 06, 2018
(L-R) WernerRitgen (club President), Ben Lobb MP, Huron Bruce, Ben Vandiepenbeek (Reeve ACW) At our regular meeting, to a packed room of guests and Rotary members, our guest speaker was Ben Lobb, conservative MP who represents the federal riding of Huron-Bruce in the House of Commons. Mr Lobb currently is a member of the standing committee on industry, science and technology . Since first elected in 2008 and re-elected in 2011 and 2015 he has sat on or chaired several standing committees. Mr Lobb presented commentary on Canada's economy touching on where we have been, where we are today, the current bright spots and headwinds and where the economy is likely to be headed given the world situation. The floor was opened for a Q&A. Reeve Ben Vandiepenbeek ACW and Deputy Mayor Jim Donnelly brought greetings from their respective municipalities.
Ben Lobb MP, Huron-Bruce
2018-03-06 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 13, 2018
(L-R) Shannon Lahay ( Foundation Coordinator), Werner Ritgen, (Club President) Branda Teichert (Foundation Vice Chair) We were pleased to have as our guest speakers Shannon Lahay the Alexandra Marine & General Hospital Foundation, Foundation Coordinator and Brenda Teichert, the Foundation Vice chair as well as an AMGH Board Committee member. In the summer members of the club attended interviews held by the consulting firm Ketchum Canada Inc who are working on a proposed plan to look at the future needs of the communities across Huron County served by AMGH and how the hospital can best meet those needs as they strive to provide the highest quality of health care. As the plan comes together the Foundation is at the ready to support the work that will be needed to ensure the continued excellent care we receive.
Alexandra Marine & General Hospital Foundation
2018-02-13 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 06, 2018
(L-R) Jim Mulhern (Little Theatre director), Werner Ritgen (Rotary club president), Jenna Ujiyue (Little Theatre president), John Lodge (Little Theatre treasurer) We welcomed representatives of the Goderich Little Theatre at the Livery to our meeting. Jenna Ujiye, the president, shared with us details of the successful 2016-17 season and introduced the 2017-18 performance season. The Livery had activities happening on 180+ days of last year. She expressed sincere thanks to the hundreds of volunteers that make it possible to bring this venue to the Goderich community. John Lodge, treasurer, provided a summary of the successful HVAC project that was undertaken in 2017 and talked about what lies ahead for the capital projects still desired to make further improvements to the facility. An acknowledgment was made of the municipal and community support in helping to make this a reality. visit www.the
Goderich Little Theatre
2018-02-06 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Feb 03, 2018
Congratulations to all the participating teams. Some pretty fine chili was enjoyed by all the tasters. And the winning teams are: First Place 101.7 The One Radio Second Place Cowbell Brewing Third Place Country 104.9 Radio Thank you to everyone for your continued support of the Rotary Club.
Chili Cook-off Winners
2018-02-03 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 30, 2018
(L-R, Back) Allan Studd, Joann Willis, Bonnie Borchardt, Cheryl, Ross Barnett, Lianti Muller (L-R, Front) Allison Stoecker, Sylvia Bate, Rosanne Field Ross & Rosanne provided the club with a presentation on their trip to Zambia last July 2017. Pictured is the Zambia Team. Impact Zambia has been a multi year program. It’s first project in 2012 was to build a facility that doubled up as an office and school on the site of the Itezhi-tezhi church, and to build new church buildings in Mumbwa and Namwala. Through partnerships with Canadian and South African churches, International Teams Canada, the Share Your Knowledge group, and Rotary International, they have since expanded their programs to include community development initiatives designed to break the cycle of poverty by limiting isolation and providing education and vocational training. While there this year Rosanne taught sewing classes during the day and met with health care professionals in the evenings to help deal with health issues of the surrounding communities. Ross was the "do what ever needed to be done" guy. for more information visit - and go to "visit our website"
Impact Zambia - July 2017 Report
2018-01-30 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Jan 23, 2018
(L-R) - Dianne Yundt, Roland Archer, Werner Ritgen We were pleased to welcome the newest member to the club on January 23rd. Roland Archer was formally inducted as a member by ADG Dianne Yundt . Werner Ritgen who sponsored Roland and is the club president presented the Rotary pin and new member kit to Roland. Members welcomed Roland with greetings and warm hand shakes. ADG Dianne in her induction comments recapped the purpose of Rotary and the opportunities it provides for service, professional development, networking and fellowship.
New Member Induction
2018-01-23 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Dec 19, 2017
Emma Bartz and Jordan Nairn attended the Rotary Club of Goderich meeting today to make a presentation to the club, canvassing for support in starting a Rotaract Club in Goderich. Rotaract is a club for individuals ages 18-30, with an interest in community service and professional development. The Rotary Club of Goderich is proud to support the development of a Rotaract Club in our Goderich community. (L-R) Ross Barnett (Past President), Jordan Nairn, Werner Ritgen (President), Emma Bartz. If you missed the information meeting on January 18th but are still interested please contact Emma Bartz @ 519-955-6563
New Rotaract Club Forming
2017-12-19 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 29, 2017
(L-R) Mike Henry, Lieutenant Laura Hickman, Werner Ritgen (president) at The Salvation Army Citadel on Suncoast Drive, Goderich. (L-R) Mike Henry, Mrs Pat Clifford, Werner Ritgen at St Vincent de Paul Society - MacEwan St location, Goderich Rotarians Mike Henry and Werner Ritgen (club president) delivered donations to the local Food Bank/Christmas Hamper Programs from the Rotary Club of Goderich. We know families feel added pressure at this time of year to provide a special Christmas. By providing funding we're hoping to lighten the load helping them to enjoy the holiday season.
Delivering Christmas Hope
2017-11-29 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 29, 2017
Our newest exchange student Doubleu Patranit Chanjaraspong is settling right in to life in Canada. Doubleu arrived here in September from Bangkok Thailand He is taking drum lessons from Stefanie McFarlane and marched with the Celtic Blue Highlanders in the Christmas parade. Photo by Kathleen Smith/Goderich Signal Star (L-R) Maurice Wilkinson (Piper), Matt Hoy (Pipe Major), Stefanie McFarlane (Drum Sergeant), Doubleu , Rosanne Field (Rotarian/ billet mother), Ray Elgie (Piper), Ross Barnett (Rotarian, billet father), and Don Arscott (Bass Drummer).
Rotary Youth Exchange
2017-11-29 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 18, 2017
The Weather Man was a little confused for the Goderich Santa Claus Parade on Saturday night and brought rain instead of snow but that did not dampen the Christmas cheer in the air. The parade route was lined with happy children and their parents all bundled against the weather. Rotarians together with Frosty the Snowman waded into the festivities.
Goderich Santa Claus Parade
2017-11-18 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 07, 2017
Jenn Evans and Anne Marie Thomson of the Goderich Huron YMCA were presented with a cheque for $2959.52 by Rotarian Gary Gravett. Rotary and the YMCA partnered for the Swing for Kids Charity Golf Tournament last August 18, 2017.
Swinging for Kids Charity Golf Tournament
2017-11-07 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Nov 07, 2017
Pictured: Glen Steinson, Mike Dixon, Rotary Club president Werner Ritgen. Guest speaker at our Tuesday meeting was Mike Dixon of the Bayfield Optimist Club. Mike was introduced by the Optimist Club president Glen Steinson. Mr Dixon outlined a new tutoring program for local students established by the Optimist Club to meet a need in the community. The hope is to expand the service into other communities in the area.
Bayfield Optimist Club
2017-11-07 05:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 31, 2017
We were pleased and honored to welcome our District Governor, Martin Ward and his wife Mary Ruston to our October 31st meeting. District governors provide leadership, motivation, and guidance to Rotary clubs.Governors act as officers of RI, fostering achievement in their district at the club level. DG Ward was introduced by our Assistant District Governor Dianne Yundt a member of the Festival City club Stratford. His message was the evolution of Rotary in a changing world, the importance of remaining relevant into the future. Rotarys' eradication of polio is so close with only 12 cases identified this year along with the importance of immunizations for the next 3 years to ensure it does not return. DG Ward bestowed 8 Paul Harris Fellowship Awards to - left to right - Tom Jasper, Dean Whalen, Lynn Ferguson, Mike Henry (Club Foundation Chair), Werner Ritgen, Gary Gravett, Scott Tousaw, also pictured is ADG Dianne Yundt and DG Martin Ward. Absent Rosanne Field. Receipants have made donations to the Rotary Foundations Annual program Fund of $1000 or more.
District Governor's Visit
2017-10-31 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 17, 2017
Merna Bahaa Eldin pictured with Werner Ritgen, club president, is our newest New Generations Service Exchange young professional. Merna is visiting Canada from Egypt in order to further her professional development as a dentist at Van Beek Family Dentistry in Goderich. She has completed 5 years of dentistry training in Egypt. The New Generations Service Exchange is Rotary's short term exchange program for university students and young professionals up to age 30.
New Generations Service Exchange
2017-10-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 17, 2017
Our guest Marianne Hogan seen here with club President Werner Ritgen attended our meeting to receive and thank the club for the donation made to the St Joseph's Kingsbridge Community Centre in support of their event on November 4, 2017. Canadian tenor John McDermott and the Waterloo Regional Male Police Chorus are providing A Musical Celebration and Salute to our Veterans. The community purchased the previous church, are completing restoration work, and use the facility as a community centre.
A Musical Celebration and Salute to our Veterans
2017-10-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Oct 03, 2017
We were pleased to have the Past President, Paul Thorne, of the Goderich Legion as our guest speaker. Paul gave an overview of the history of the Goderich Soldier's Memorial and the Legion’s involvement as caretakers of the monument since 1927. He indicated following the 2011 tornado the Legion as a proprietary stakeholder and care taker of the cenotaph for the Town of Goderich participated in community consultation forums. With the development of the Downtown Master Plan the cenotaph area was expanded to include the Veteran's Reflection Garden funded in part by the Legion and Veteran's Affairs Canada Community Monument Restoration Program. The garden was designed to be a place of quiet reflection to be enjoyed by the general public at large while maintaining the decorum and respect to be afforded our War Dead. Due to an oversight in 2014 the Town inadvertently allowed vendors to utilize the Veteran's Refection Garden for Festivals and Special Events. In September the Legion made a request of Council to protect this space from commercial activities, and to apply the policy adopted by Council for the Cenotaph as intended and approved by the Downtown Master Plan. He indicated the outcome had been decided by council and an appropriate bylaw was approved and has been passed.
Guest Speaker
2017-10-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 14, 2017
Oktoberfest Event
2017-09-14 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 08, 2017
New Generations Service Exchange is a short-term, exchange program for university students and young professionals up to age 30. Candidates make connections in their host countries, build their professional skills and gain international experience through travel and exploring a new culture while giving back through service. Isela Dominguez is visiting the Goderich Rotary Club as a New Generations Service Exchange candidate. She is in Canada furthering her professional development as a clinical psychologist. She has completed her psychology degree from Claustro University. She lives in Chihuahua, Mexico with her family. Her father is a member of Chihuahua San Felipe Rotary Club. Isela is hoping to see her first snow fall before she goes home in December.
New Generations Service Exchange
2017-09-08 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Sep 05, 2017
The Rotary Club is pleased to support the Goderich Recreation Park project. A long-time supporter of the skate park project, Rotary has pledged an additional $75,000 towards the Recreation Park Project bringing our total donation to $82,000.
Goderich Recreation Park
2017-09-05 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 24, 2017
We received word the containers for Sierra Leone had arrived and have been off loaded. This link will help to provide an idea of the difference we are helping to make Following is a excerpt of a email we received from Dr Steph Dobrowolski, our contact, the Director of the Solon Foundation read on:
Containers Unloaded in Sierra Leone
2017-07-24 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 21, 2017
A great way to get outdoors and have fun. ROTARY: MAKING A DIFFERENCE Ladies early morning fitness group work out.
Rotary Fitness Trail
2017-07-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 11, 2017
We said goodbye to our exchange student, Adele Manise, as she headed back home to Belgium. We wish her many happy memories of her time here, her host families, new friends, new experiences. We will miss her genteel presence. The year just flew by.
Heading Home
2017-07-11 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 11, 2017
Rotary Book Sale
2017-07-11 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jul 04, 2017
Thank you to all the participants for making Canada's Prettiest Town, Canada's most decorated and patriotic town. The 50 certificates of excellence are on their way. Homeowners 1st Prize Roelie Leggatt - 124 Lighthouse St. 2nd Prize Bruce Carrick - 197 Bayfield Rd 3rd Prize Joan Guikema - 124 Cambria Rd N. Businesses Vals Beauty Salon - 108 Lighthouse St
Winners of the Decorate Your Home or Business Competition
2017-07-04 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 28, 2017
At or meeting on Tuesday the new executive of the club were installed for the 2017-18 year. From Left to right - Wilfred Higgins (President Elect) Werner Ritgen (President) Ross Barnett (Past President) Left to right - Aurelio Henriques, Mike Henry, Lynn Ferguson, Rosemary Davis, Colleen McGregor Wilfred Higgins, Ross Barnett, Werner Ritgen. Absent Karri Sonke and Betty Southgate
Installation of Club Officers 2017-18
2017-06-28 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 27, 2017
The Goderich Rotary Club, in the spirit of supporting new entrepreneurial businesses and mindful of keeping our community fit and active, donated a large exercise mat to Ashley Kappas owner and head coach of Goderich Gymnastics. Ashley's business provides gymnastics training.
Goderich Gymnastics
2017-06-27 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 25, 2017
Rotary at its best. The Rotary Club of London sponsored the latest container shipment of school and medical supplies this time going to Haiti. The Rotary Club of Grand Bend organized the packing of the container and the Rotary Club of Goderich contributed a truck load of tables, chairs, books and sewing machines to the overall shipment. Members from all the clubs supplied the people power to get the container loaded. Great team work everyone.
Global Literacy Haiti Container
2017-06-25 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 06, 2017
The new Fitness Trail equipment was installed this past Monday. The Rotary Club investment for the community was made possible through the endorsement of our town and the expertise and skill of our municipal staff and crews who provided much of the labor. Partnerships like this drive our community forward. First impressions suggest the equipment is being well received.
Rotary Cove Fitness Trail Installed
2017-06-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Jun 06, 2017
At our meeting on Tuesday we were pleased to welcome our guest speaker Retired Lt Col Bill Anderson. A local WWII veteran who gave a poignant presentation about his experiences in the war including D Day. Also recognized by Mr Anderson was a guest attendee Peter Vancook whose contributions to the war effort included his involvement in the Dutch resistance to the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.
Guest Speaker Lt Col Bill Anderson (retired)
2017-06-06 04:00:00Z |
We were privileged and honored to have as our guest speaker at our recent Rotary meeting, Stephen deBoer, Canada'a Ambassador to the Republic of Poland and Republic of Belarus. Among the many guests attending the meeting was Kathleen Smith, a journalist for the Goderich Signal Star who published this excellent article about the Ambassador's visit.
Presentation by Stephen deBoer - Ambassador to Poland
2017-05-29 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 16, 2017
Join the Celebrations
2017-05-16 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 09, 2017
Rotary International has a unique way of recognizing contributions to the organization in the name of Rotary’s Founder, Paul Harris. People who make a contribution of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International — or have one made in their name – can become Paul Harris Fellows. Today at our regular meeting we invited our District Governor - Diane Chantler - to present 11 Paul Harris Fellows. Present to receive their award are from left to right Mel Farnsworth, Wilf Higgins, Michael Strickland, Irene Gordon, Elizabeth Lotz, Doug Norsworthy, Ross Barnett with DG Diane Chantler. All recipients are multiple Paul Harris Fellows.
Paul Harris Fellows Presentations
2017-05-09 04:00:00Z |
Posted on May 09, 2017
At our Rotary meeting today the club presented a Paul Harris Fellow to Irene Gordon, spouse of the late John Gordon, as an expression of our appreciation and to say thank you to Irene for the many years of support she has provided to the club.
Paul Harris Fellow Presentation
2017-05-09 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 28, 2017
The new machines are in place. One priority is a new version of a recumbent bike because it is easier to get on/off as you can step through to get on the seat. If anyone has hip or knee issues it is hard to swing their leg over the center console of older styles. A second treadmill will also be added to the program giving people an increased option for fitness and relief of joint issues as back, hip or knee pain sometimes does not agree with sitting on a bike. Additionally some members like to use the treadmill before they have their stress test to get used to walking on it.
Healthy Hearts equipment arrives
2017-04-28 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 28, 2017
The Goderich Rotary Club has donated $6300 to the Healthy Hearts Program at the Maitland Recreation Center in memory of Malcolm Harrison, a long time Rotarian and Healthy Heart program advocate. In receiving the cheque, Healthy Hearts board chair Dr. Kent Gillin celebrated this support of their members in pursuit of health after suffering the challenges that participants face as a consequent of a significant cardiac event. The funds will be used for equipment purchases, permitting the most challenged participants to engage in the first stages of health after their cardiac event
Healthy Hearts Program Donation
2017-04-28 04:00:00Z |
Posted on Apr 15, 2017
Out with the old, in with the new. the new playground equipment installed last summer is ready and waiting for this summer's season. A Rotary project in partnership with the Town of Goderich.
New Playground Equipment Installed at Rotary Cove
2017-04-15 04:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club provided a donation of $25000 in support of this project.
New Dialysis Unit Opens - April 7, 2017
2017-04-10 04:00:00Z |